summer, man. You need to let loose.”

“Who needs to let loose?” a small female voice says from behind him. I can’t quite make her out until she ducks under Ashton’s arm. With an ease that’s second nature to him, he puts his arm around her shoulders.

Instantly, I recognize her. Bliss Meyer, Royce’s sister. Royce went to boarding school with Eli. They weren’t the best of friends, but they traveled in the same social circle. All the rich kids from L.A. stuck together.

I freeze for a moment. What if she recognizes me? My chest tightens, and panic runs through me. I don’t need or want my parents to know where I am.

She’s changed so much since I last saw her all those years ago, but there is no mistaking that she’s gorgeous. For the first time in a long time, my body responds. All of a sudden, the heat is way too hot. I take a step back, hoping they won’t notice.

“This is Bliss. She’s here for her brother’s wedding. We’ll be hanging out till she goes home. I promised to be her tour guide.” Ashton smiles down at her.

She raises her eyes to his, but quickly turns her attention back to me. Her beautiful blue eyes bore into me, and I can’t deny the electricity that’s in the air. When her eyes go wide, I can sense she feels it as well. But I’m more concerned that she’ll realize who I am.

“Hi,” she says, holding out her small hand.

“I’m Carson,” I say as I take her hand. A shock radiates through me. I instantly pull away. What am I thinking? This is Ashton’s date, someone who could destroy everything I’ve built here.

“Carson’s a lifeguard, too. He’s an amazing swimmer.” Ashton likes to brag about my skills. I may have raced the team during try-outs. It’s not my fault they couldn’t keep up.

“That’s cool,” she replies, trying to look anywhere but at me. “I need another beer. Ashton, want to come?”

“Sure, sweetheart.” He pulls her closer, and they walk off into the fray. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and walk over to the logs rimming the fire.

A few people are sitting around the fire. As usual, Nelson has his guitar and begins to play. His throaty voice calms me as I stare into the flames. Digging my feet into the sand, I let his voice take me away for a while.


Holy shit! Carson is hot. Hotter than Ashton, for sure. And his touch. That handshake threw me off my game. His entire presence makes me second-guess asking Ashton to stick around. He seems familiar somehow, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“Bud or Coors?” Ashton asks, holding open the cooler that’s hidden under the boardwalk. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to drink on the beach.

“Bud’s good. I’m not picky.” It’s the truth. I don’t care what I drink as long as it makes me numb.

“What are the plans for tomorrow? Anything you want to see? I have work until noon, then I’m all yours.”

I gaze into his eyes and see his genuine nature. He really is a good guy.

“Beach? I know it’s where you work, but I haven’t gotten to relax on the sand in a long time. I’d like to chill.”

“That sounds perfect. We can get lunch from Manny’s and walk down to my special spot. The waves are perfect for boarding. Do you board? Surf?”

“I don’t know how to do either, but I’m willing to learn. I’ve always wanted to be a badass on the water.” I give him a sassy smirk.

He throws his head back and laughs. “I don’t imagine you being anything else.”

“You’re going to have to go easy on me. I can barely swim.” My voice drops as I lean into him a bit. If I’m going to stick to this commitment we made, I might as well go all in. Friends forgotten.

He slips his hand around my back, pulling me closer. The rest of the crowd gets louder as a group of guys come over and reaches behind us to get a beer from the coolers, breaking the connection between us.

I step back and wait for the intruders to leave.

“Maybe we should go back to the fire. It’s toasty there, and I’m sure Nelson brought his guitar. He’s pretty good. His voice is really soothing,” Ashton says.

It’s like he knows exactly what I need. Being around all these new people, especially while sober, is putting me on edge. As much as people see me as the party girl, it’s not who I’ve always been.

He grabs my hand and leads me back to the bonfire. Carson is there, and of course Ashton makes his way over to him. I conceal the groan with a cough as he settles next to him. It’s going to be hard keeping all these hot-guy emotions in check.

“Here, sit between my legs so you can lean back. The log is pretty harsh.” Ashton pats the sand in between his legs. It’s a sweet gesture and I comply, making myself comfortable.

A huff sounds next to me, and I peek at Carson under my lashes. It’s like he doesn’t approve. I snuggle in closer and lay my head back onto Ashton’s shoulder. I can’t concern myself with Carson’s judgement.

Nelson’s voice takes over my thoughts, and I fall into the music. It’s hypnotic and oddly satisfying. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

Ashton begins to play with my hair, rolling a strand between his fingers. I sigh, letting the attention console me. I’m so lonely all the time I could choke on it.

“Do you need another beer?” Carson’s voice has me jerking out of my solace. I stare down at my empty bottle.

“Sure. If there’s something harder, I’ll take that, too.” I’m not nearly as drunk as I need to be. If I continue down this path, the emotions will pop up, and I don’t need that right now.

“Ashton, you want another?”


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