of Tyler continue to filter through my mind. One day he was here and the next he wasn’t. It was as if he vanished off the face of this earth a little over four years ago, leaving me nothing but a short voicemail to remind me of what we once had.

I slip into bed and reach into the drawer for my old cell phone, hitting the voicemail button for what seems to be the millionth time. Tyler’s gruff voice fills my room, reminding me of how much he loved me. I finish listening to the recording and put the phone back into the top drawer of my nightstand.

I snuggle back into the bed, remembering that our time together gave me something other than a broken heart, our little boy Colt. Only two people in this world know Colt is Tyler’s son, Colton Donavan and Rylee Thomas. Colt also was born on Colton’s birthday. It was only natural I give him a similar name. Colt Thomas Duke, named after two of the most important people in my life.

“If he loves me, where is he?” I whisper into the darkness, a single tear dripping down my cheek as I drift off to sleep.

“Momma,” Colt’s tiny voice registers in my mind.

“Momma,” he repeats as he pats the side of my face. “You ‘wake?”

“Boo!” I shout, causing Colt to fall backwards onto my bed, peals of laughter filling my room. “Good morning, little man.” I place a sloppy kiss on his cheek with a smack.

“No, little. I big boy.” He attempts to scowl as I fight the urge to laugh at him.

“Okay, my big man. What would you like for breakfast?” I wrap him in my arms and wiggle my way out of the bed, not wanting to put him down. Soon he will be too big for momma’s hugs and kisses. I plan on getting my fill before it’s too late.

“Eggie bread,” he squeals in delight as I sit him in his booster seat connected to our dining room table.

I smile at him. “You always want eggie bread.”

“‘Cause eggie bread is good.” He crosses his arms over his chest, his small eyebrows pointing inward in a scowl.

I shake my head before pulling all the ingredients out for eggie bread, a concoction that I remember Tyler making for me after a rather hard night of partying. I cut the center out of two slices of bread, butter both sides and then place them in the frying pan. Then I crack an egg over the center of each piece of bread, waiting a few moments for it to cook on one side before flipping it over. Once both sides are brown, everything is ready to be served.

“Your eggie bread is served.” I make a grand gesture as I slide the two pieces of bread onto my son’s plate before turning to get him a fork.

“I big boy, Momma,” he chants as he grabs a piece of bread and takes a huge bite, grinning from ear-to-ear. I bite my lip, holding back the laughter threatening to escape. I watch as he devours his breakfast quickly, washing it down with a small glass of milk.

Just like his father, always in a hurry to get the day moving. I grab a paper towel off the roll and wipe the butter and crumbs off his face. “Okay time to get dressed or we will be late.”

I pick Colt up out of his seat and place him on the floor. “Straight to your room and get dressed. I’ll be there in a minute to help you brush your teeth.”

“Okay, Momma,” he calls over his shoulder as he disappears down the hallway.

I gather his dirty dishes before turning the coffee pot on. I’ve never been a breakfast person, but coffee is a must have in the morning. Reaching into the cabinet above the coffee maker, I pull out my favorite travel mug and place it on the counter.

I head for the refrigerator for the creamer as the house phone rings. “Who could this be?” No one ever calls my house phone. I pick up the phone quickly. “Hello?”

“Hey girl! I need you to come down to the garage before dropping Colt off. Your new liaison for CD Enterprises arrives today.” Rylee chirps over the phone in a cheerful voice.

“Why in the world are you calling my house phone? You almost gave me a heart attack,” I sigh, my entire body relaxing in relief.

“Well if someone would have answered their phone, I wouldn’t have called your house line. Now get your butt in gear and get here.”

“Okay, isn’t someone a little bossy today?” I question, wondering why the urgency to get to the track so soon.

“I’m always bossy and basically your boss, hop to it.”

“Roger,” I giggle into the phone before disconnecting the call.

Rylee and I have become thick as thieves since Colt was born, although you would have never imagined that would happen all those years ago. Being best friends with Tawney wasn’t a vote in my favor, but when she bailed on me once I found out I was pregnant with Colt, Rylee was the first one there to help.

Her and Colton are the family I never had, helping me get on my feet and get my life in order before Colt was born. They are still my biggest cheerleaders to this day. Rylee even helped me land a job with Corporate Cares. The pay is amazing and they offer childcare on site, making it easy for me to work and take care of Colt at the same time.

“Momma, I ready,” Colt chirps from the bathroom door.

“Alright, little man. Time to get ready for the day. We will stop and visit Rylee at the garage before we head into work,” I say as I put toothpaste on his tiny brush and hand it to him.

“Yea, I wove Rweey,” Colt mumbles around the toothbrush as he scrubs his teeth clean. I quickly put toothpaste on my brush and brush

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