other people were seeing when they logged on to the internet and searched for “Emery Bliss sex video” she could hardly cope. This was easily the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to her.

After clearing her throat so that she’d be able to talk in spite of the large lump that threatened to choke her, she peeked into the hall.

Aiyana stood there holding a bowl of Mini-Wheats and wearing the brightly colored clothes and turquoise jewelry she preferred, her black hair falling down her back in a thick braid. “I’m sorry if Dallas surprised you, dear. I should’ve called. I honestly didn’t think of it, or I would have.”

“No, of course you didn’t need to call,” she said. “This is your house.”

“We had a last-minute change of plans, but we will be leaving again shortly and then we’ll be gone for the rest of the day.” She handed Emery the bowl. “Here, you left your breakfast on the counter, so I added some milk and brought it up.”

“Thank you.” Emery managed a smile for Aiyana’s kindness—but then her lip began to tremble.

Aiyana took the bowl back and set it aside before drawing Emery into her arms. “It’s going to be okay.”

The scent of her flowery perfume filled Emery’s nostrils as she rested her head on the smaller woman’s shoulder. Aiyana was only about five feet tall but she had the biggest heart of anyone Emery had ever met, and the solidness of her embrace felt so convincing and nurturing that Emery was loath to let her go.

“You don’t have to worry about Dallas staying here the next few weeks,” Aiyana said when she pulled back. “He won’t bother you.”

“I don’t want to get in anyone’s way...”

“You’re not in anyone’s way. There are eight bedrooms in this house. And Dallas doesn’t mind that you’re here. As a matter of fact, if I know my son, he’ll end up being your best friend and your fiercest protector.”

She sniffed, still trying to hold back tears—now caused by the sympathy she was receiving instead of her former mortification.

She thanked Aiyana, and Aiyana said goodbye before heading down the stairs.

When Emery closed the door, she took her cereal and crawled into bed. She’d known as soon as she’d felt Aiyana’s arms go around her that she wouldn’t pack up and leave. Maybe this wasn’t her home, but she felt welcome here. If she stayed, she wouldn’t have to face the outside world, wouldn’t have to pick sides in her parents’ divorce and wouldn’t have to witness the decline of her ailing grandmother—not until she felt stronger.

And right now, having the chance to get back on her feet in what felt like a safe environment mattered more than anything else.

It was late when Dallas returned from hanging out with his two older brothers at the Blue Suede Shoe, a popular bar they often visited to play pool or darts whenever he was in town. Elijah and Gavin were both married with children, but Eli, the oldest, helped run New Horizons and lived on campus not far from Aiyana. Dallas rode with him, returning to Eli’s house to watch a recorded Lakers game after they left the bar. By the time that was over, it was almost two, so Dallas walked home rather than having Eli drive him.

All the lights were off, so after he let himself in the back door, he was surprised to hear the soft drone of the television. Aiyana rarely stayed up late; she got up too early. And his younger brothers wouldn’t be watching TV in the middle of the night. Bentley had school in the morning; Liam had work.

As he neared the family room, the floor creaked under his weight, causing the small figure on the couch to sit up and take notice.

He could tell he’d surprised Emery Bliss just as he had when he first came upon her in the kitchen this morning. Only now if she didn’t have any pants on, he couldn’t tell; she was covered by a blanket.

“Hello.” She lifted the remote as though she felt she should turn off the TV and scurry back to her bedroom.

“Go ahead and finish watching your show,” he said before she could hit the Power button. “This is a big house. The TV’s not going to bother anybody.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.


Standing about ten feet away from her, he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. She was watching an episode of Dateline.

“What’s this one about?” he asked.

“A young mother has been kidnapped.”

“From where?”

“Her house in Iowa. Right in the middle of the day.”

Dallas was far more interested in learning if Emery had been able to determine whether Ethan Grimes had been rehired by the television station from which they’d both been fired than getting involved in the crime drama unfolding on TV. He’d thought about her and her situation all day. But he guessed Emery wouldn’t be excited to discuss it with him. For one, she barely knew him. For another, it had to be more awkward for her to talk to a man, especially one she barely knew, about the sex video her ex-boyfriend had posted than it would be a woman.

Still, he came around the couch and sat at the opposite end. He’d been so infatuated with Emery ten years ago that he couldn’t help wondering what she was like now.

She didn’t speak, though, and he didn’t interrupt, in case she was as invested in the show as it seemed.

When Dateline ended and she navigated to Hulu to put on another episode, he got up and told her good-night. His mother was right—what Emery was going through was none of his business. He needed to leave her alone and give her the space to work out her own problems.

“Aiyana tells me you’re a rock climber.”

Surprised that she would initiate a conversation when he’d just given up on the idea, he turned to face her. “I like to climb, yes.”

“She said you often free

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