"Even I'm going to take a few days to adjust. You know to drink a lot of water, right?"


"And electrolytes. I've got some good sports ones I'll share."

"Oh, thanks. I hadn't thought of that."

We kept up some small talk as we went down the stairs and back out into the warm day. I tried not to show how out of breath I was, but every now and again, Victoria slowed her strong walk down and let me catch my breath.

She winked. "You'll catch up. Next time you head home, you won't even have to breathe."

I laughed.

Collecting my suitcase and backpack from the hotel and checking out didn't take very long, and soon we were headed back.

"So, uh, I have to ask," Victoria said before we reached the dorm.

The hesitation in her voice made my stomach clench. What could possibly make her so unsure all of a sudden? She seemed to be a very confident person.


"How do you feel about magic users and, uh, you know, werewolves and stuff?"

I almost tripped over my own feet, and my heart raced in my chest. She couldn't possibly know? No, there was no way. We had just met, and if she were a shifter or a mage, she wouldn't be telling me right away. Would she? No way. It was too dangerous. Supernaturals didn't talk about what they were to outsiders. Sometimes not even to other supernaturals.

"Um," I stalled while I thought. How did I answer that question? "I guess I haven't thought that much about it."

"Oh," she replied. "Well, I have to tell you, I'm an activist. So, if you're against mages and shifters having equal rights with humans, we need to talk now, otherwise it's going to be a very long year."

"An activist?" I couldn't help the surprise in my voice.


We stood in the middle of the walkway, and a few students carrying bags moved around us as we stared at each other. Her steady gaze carried a challenge, and I was pretty sure I looked like a deer caught in the beam of some very bright headlights.

"Oh." I just didn't know what to say.

I was saved when two boys our age came up to us. "You two moving in?"

We turned our attention away from each other.

"Yes," we answered together. Victoria was carrying my backpack while I wheeled my large suitcase and clutched my water bottle.

"Great, we'll help. I'm Edgar, but, you know, I go by Ed. This is Allan." Ed bounced on his toes when he gestured at the other guy. He was tall, muscled like a football player, and had short light blond hair and vibrant sky-blue eyes. Were all the men in this town unbelievably handsome? If my heart hadn't already been racing from Victoria's question, it would have started.

Allan was similar in height, just as nicely muscled with sandy blond hair and steel gray eyes, and a friendly smile on his face.

I'd read once about a person's eyes having the wilderness in them. As if with a moment's notice, they could go from being comfortable in civilization, to being at home in the wild. I had never understood what it meant until I met both Ed and Allan's gazes. It didn't make me uncomfortable, it just surprised me.

"Thanks," I replied. "We don't really have much."

"Doesn't matter," Allan replied. "It's not quite peak move in time yet, give it another hour for everyone to finish with their breakfasts, and then we'll be busy. We're bored right now."

Both had soothing voices, with the faintest hint of a drawl. I wondered where they were from. They were clearly brothers, though I didn't think they were twins.

I glanced at Victoria. She was smiling. "Sure, why not?" After a quick look at me, she handed over my backpack to Ed. I gave my suitcase to Allan. The guys grinned at us.

"We're on the third floor," Victoria told them.

"Great," Ed answered, sky-blue eyes sparkling happily.

They acted so excited to help, almost like a pair of puppies given a fun game to play. A pair of very muscular and easy to look at puppies.

When we got back to the dorm, someone had propped the door open and a paper sign read, 'open for move-in only'.

We followed the boys, and I tried not to openly stare at their asses. Victoria nudged my arm and winked, making my cheeks heat.

"We're both freshmen," Ed continued as we walked in. "Allan is older, but waited a year for college. Long story. Hopefully, we'll be in some classes together. Where are you two from?"

"Nebraska," I answered.

"Denver," Victoria replied.

"Cool. We've lived in Sunnyglade for a few years. You'll like it here."

"Thanks." Was everyone here this friendly? If so, I could really get used to this. At least I hadn't spilled coffee on these two locals.

Ed and Allan shared a quick glance before heading to the elevator. Neither of us objected, and we all squeezed in together. No one spoke for the quick trip up, and then we followed the boys to our room.

"Here you go." Ed grinned, and they handed our things back. "Just shout if you need any help. We'll be around for the rest of the day."

"Thank you," I replied, and we both watched as they headed back down the hallway and into the stairwell.

As soon as the fire door clanged shut, we both burst out giggling, though I wasn't really sure why.

Victoria shook her head, smiling as she opened our door and we went inside.

"Hey, I didn't mean to spring the activist thing on you before. I just…" She hesitated. "You know, it's a big part of my life, and if you're against it, we need to have it out now so we can get along."

"Oh, it's okay. You just surprised me. We don't see a lot of that in most of the places I've lived. No, I don't have anything against mages or shifters, or I guess any other supernatural beings. I just hadn't thought about it much either way."

"Great! I'll try not to get too crazy,

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