pull me closer, and nuzzled my neck. Maybe he was changing his mind? My pulse sped up from my post sleep languor to something a bit closer to awake and alert.

He rolled me onto my back, hips pressing me into the soft moss-covered ground, resting on his elbows and looking me in the eyes, gaze hungry, not for blood, but for me. I shivered at the intensity in his gaze, forgetting about the others for a moment as I reached up and disintegrated his hair tie. Doc's long, black hair cascaded down, draping on either side of my face, and tickling my cheeks. I grinned.

He smiled back.

My magic stirred as Nikolai did something, then a blast of cool air chilled me.

Doc and I broke our gaze to see Nikolai had used my magic to open the grove and he, Ed, and Allan grabbed coats and shoes from where we discarded them last night and slipped out, leaving us alone.

Sighing, Doc shifted his weight as if he were going to move, but Nikolai sealed up the grove with us still inside.

Doc turned his attention back to me, eyebrows raised.

"I think that's the 'we deserve some alone time' signal." My lips turned up in a sly smile.

"I've had more time alone with you than any of the others recently." He clearly wasn't objecting though, as he stayed where he was, resting on his forearms now, as he brushed some of my short bob out of my face.

"I'd hardly call it alone. Everyone's had a hard time, but you've had to deal with other people more than the rest of us. The only time we were even kind of alone was on the drive to my parents' house." I grinned. I didn't want to remind him about the cabin, but that was also his, and he would have to deal with all of that, too.

"Well, what would you like to do now that the rest of the pack has locked us in here together." His eyes twinkled.

"Mmmm...quiet meditation?"

He cocked one eyebrow.

Laughing, I threaded my fingers through his hair before cupping the back of his neck and pulling him down until his lips met mine. He pressed into me, tongue exploring my mouth. He didn't pull away when I ran my tongue over his fangs, and I smiled while I kissed him. Clearly, he was a lot more comfortable with us seeing his vampire side now. I probably had Nikolai to thank for that.

"You're smiling," he said lips brushing against mine while he spoke.

"Mmmm." He didn't give me time for a proper answer before he kissed me again, driving other thoughts from my mind.

After a few moments, he leaned back, letting me catch my breath.

"Sofia," he whispered.


"You don't happen to know Nikolai's cleaning spell, do you?"

I raised an eyebrow, confused as to his line of questioning, but I thought for a moment. I had seen him cast it at least once, though my memories of that time were cloudy. However, yes...I did know how. "I do. Why?"

"Because," he grinned mischievously, "we don't have a shower."

My smile matched his. "Oh, were you thinking of getting messy?"

Doc licked his lips, seeming to think for a moment before he nodded. "Yes, I am."

"Hmmm, might be fun," I purred.

"Might be?" He mock growled.

"Well," I teased him, shrugging, though his growl sent my heart racing and I squirmed against him. "I mean, I don't know it will be fun. I suspect it will, but..."

"I guess I'll just have to prove it to you." He nibbled along my jaw before gently nipping at my neck.

Groaning, I dug my nails into his shoulders. "I think I'd like that."

He chuckled. "You're wearing too many clothes."

"Guess you'd better do something about it."

"I intend to," he replied, voice low.

My stomach tightened and my heart raced as my body reacted to the desire in his voice. I freed one of my legs from underneath him and curled it up over his back. He rumbled deep in his throat and kissed his way down my neck to my collarbone, trailing hot fire down my skin and igniting my nerves.

He gripped my shoulders, and gently rolled us over until I was on top. I went to work on the buttons of his flannel shirt, until he hooked his fingers under the hem of my T-shirt and pulled it up, dragging his fingers along my sides as he did and sending shivers up and down my spine.

"If your heart beats any faster, I might have to worry about you," he said as I leaned forward so he could pull my shirt off.

"I'll be fine. You haven't managed to damage me yet."

He held my hips with his hands and sat up. I wrapped my legs around him. He pressed his lips to mine, devouring my lips while he slid his hands up my back until he could unhook my bra. Once that was off, he let me go back to work on his shirt. I slipped each button open slowly, teasing him, leaning forward when I was done and trailing kisses up his neck while I pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

Doc pulled me close and I traced one of the long scars on his back.

"Still wearing too much," he murmured and shifted around until he could lay me down on the mossy ground. He leaned forward, kissing me between my breasts, then going lower, leaving a line of fire down my stomach.

"So are you," I gasped out.

He smiled against my stomach, before finding the button on my jeans and teasing it open.

I panted, trying not to squirm in anticipation as he worked the zipper down and pulled my jeans off my hips. He pulled my underwear off with them, scooting back until they cleared my feet and he tossed them away.

Doc leaned forward, strong hands back on my hips as he kissed my stomach again. Usually the guys checked in with me a lot to make sure I was okay with everything, but he trusted me to tell

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