don’t want to. Give one of them a chance. Help them learn some valuable skills.” Cindy gave her a stern look as if she had all the answers in the world and Jazz was only being stubborn.

Jazz’s gut twisted more. She hated the secret world she had to live in. Time to lie and move on. Cindy would never understand. “Okay, you’ve got a point. I’ll look into it.”

“Perfect. Now you have time for a relationship.” Cindy yanked her back inside.

Jazz chuckled. It was impossible not to. Cindy looked so happy. “Don’t get any crazy ideas. I am not going out with any of your husband’s friends. No more blind dates, thank you very much.”

“You don’t need any help from me. Once you drop the ‘stay away from me’ glare you usually wear around members of the opposite sex, you’ll have no problem picking up a guy.” Cindy tapped a single finger against her chin. “We might even have to beat them off you, especially if you display your goods a little more.”

She tugged at Jazz’s shirt until the lacy edge barely covered her nipples.

Jazz gasped and slapped away her friend’s hands. She quickly righted her top and glared at Cindy. Jazz hated her goods. Her breasts were too big for her frame, but genetics was a crapshoot. You got whatever the DNA mixing bowl dished out.

“Stop it. I am not enticing any lewd perverts with a showing of my goods.”

Cindy raised her hands. “Just promise me you’ll keep an open mind.”

Jazz bit back her sharp retort. Cindy meant well. It wasn’t her fault Jazz had to keep men at arm’s length. It wasn’t Jazz’s either, but those were the facts. Time for another lie. What was one more?

“Fine. The next hot guy who shows any interest in me…” She’d ignore just like she did with the blond hunk Josh was talking to. “…will be the one I take home.”

“Now that’s an offer I can’t resist.”

Jazz pivoted. A wide expanse of muscle filled her vision. She followed the ridges of his stomach, visible in the shirt clinging to his upper body, then lower. His narrow waist met lean, denim-covered hips. Openmouthed, she stared at him. An answering spark of awareness lit within her.

She glanced into his face. Exotic, uptilted honey-brown eyes were framed by long blond lashes. Specks of color floated in those oddly bright eyes—gold, blue, green. Beautiful and downright captivating.

His full lips, parted slightly, glistened as if he’d licked them. She swiped her tongue across her suddenly dry ones.

“Am I hot enough for you?” He rubbed his thumb over the corner of her mouth. “Because I’m interested. Very, very interested.”

No words would form. Up close, he mesmerized her. She dragged in a steadying breath, and the tempting scent of man filled her lungs. The world tilted, but the hand holding her chin kept her righted, anchored to this stranger.

He brushed his lips over hers, back and forth, coaxing her to accept him. The gentleness of his touch wiped away any thoughts she might’ve had of resisting him. She parted her lips on a sigh.

As if sure of his welcome, he twined his tongue with hers, guiding her, urging her to open farther. She bent her head and matched his rolling movements, drawing him deeper.

She swayed, but he didn’t steady her. He released her chin and kissed her harder. A low groan spilled from him to her. He slanted his head, changing the angle of the kiss, and his sweeping exploration quickened.

Her pulse kicked up, and she matched the increased passion. It was impossible not to. A slow burn spread through her the longer they kissed. He fed the fire he’d ignited with each rolling thrust of his tongue. He made her hot. Hungry. Crazed.

She fisted his shirt. Pulled him closer. She didn’t want to let him go. Ever.

Hands on her hips yanked her away. No! She didn’t want the sensations consuming her to end or lose the man who’d awakened her. He was hers.

Her back collided with a wall of muscle before she could take the thought further. She inhaled sharply. Josh’s scent, a mix of cocoa butter soap and his favorite shampoo, filled her lungs. He spun her. His thinned lips and narrowed glare betrayed his mood.

She couldn’t blame him for being angry. He hadn’t exactly made a secret of his desire to rekindle their romance, and she’d dismissed him every time claiming she didn’t have time for men. And here she was kissing a stranger.

“Josh, I…” Unsure of what to say, she bit her lip.

After a moment, he exhaled slowly, and the same warm expression he often wore around her returned. He skimmed his finger down her cheek. “What do you want to talk about?”


“Seems she’s the topic of the day.” Josh grunted. “What about her?”

Jazz glanced from Josh to the stranger and finally to Cindy, who stood off to the side watching the exchange with interest. “Not here. I need to talk to you in private.”

“Not tonight, Jasmine. I’m in no mood.” Josh set her away from him. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?”

She couldn’t let him leave without some words of advice. According to Tony, Megan hadn’t shifted yet. Her boys often did, especially while they slept. She didn’t have a clue if either was normal behavior. It wasn’t as if her babies came with an owner’s manual.


What was she supposed to say? Her mind went blank. “Umm…Megan is special. She…” Jazz groaned. She was acting like a fool. “Look, I really need to talk to you in private. Give me five minutes.”

Josh frowned. “Why?”

She peeked over her shoulder at the stranger who watched her intently. Another shiver skipped across her skin.

“Because.” She shrugged. “Just trust me.”

“Sure. Let’s go back to—” Josh’s cell rang, stopping his words. He pulled his phone out and answered.

“Hello?” After a long moment, he sighed. “Tell Megan I’m okay, and I’m coming home now.”

He ended the call and shoved his phone in his rear pocket.

She touched his arm. “Is Megan

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