cute he is, I am not a spoiled brat.

He sneers at me, exposing a flash of fang that my instincts know is more threat than smile, and turns back to Mr. Rourke, a bored look plastered on his face.

“Rafael.” There is a warning in there, but the boy doesn’t seem to care.

Mr. Rourke waits.

My cheeks heat and I’m practically vibrating with irritation.

“What? Look at her.” Rafael shrugs. “Just calling it like I see it.”

I bite my bottom lip to keep from snapping at him again before turning to leave. I don’t need this.

So much for making friends with the locals.

“Ms. Kline,” Mr. Rourke calls out.

I freeze. “That’s not my name.” There’s a bite in my tone I hadn’t intended but what I said is true. Kline isn’t my name. Brian wants me to take his last name. He’s some hotshot in town and thinks it will help open doors for me, but I don’t want it. I’ve been Isabella Romero—Isa for short—for the last seventeen years. I have zero plans of changing that.

Rafael’s brows lift, sudden interest sparking over our exchange.

“My apologies. Isabella.”

“Isa,” I correct again.

He grimaces and tilts his head toward the guy. “Isa, this is Rafael. He’s a senior, and a shifter, like you. He also happens to have first period English.” And I’m supposed to care why? “He’ll show you to your first class and help you settle in. Think of him as your guide for the week.”

My mouth drops open and I don’t miss the look he directs at Rafael. This isn’t optional for him. I gape at Mr. Rourke before finding my words. “No, thanks. I’m fine.” I try to wave him off.

He releases a sigh and leans back in his chair, ignoring me completely. His eyes train on Rafael who still has that bored expression on his face. “You here because you stirred up trouble again?”

Rafael shrugs. “Maybe.”

I roll my eyes. He’s totally one of those guys. Broad shoulders, a muscular build. I can see the hint of a tattoo peeking out of the collar of his shirt, too, and I cringe, knowing what he had to go through to get his skin to accept the ink without the Lyc-V in his system forcing it out.

He’s a bad boy and he makes sure everyone knows it. Even his teachers. I wonder how the school handles violence here. Back home, everyone stayed in line because we had Pack hierarchy to fall back on. Here … I shake my head. This is going to be a nightmare to navigate and I do not have time for a guy like him.

Mr. Rourke smiles. “Well then, rather than the usual detention, you’ll have the pleasure of showing Isa around and helping her feel welcome. She’s new to Hellbound High and doesn’t know anyone. Be a model student for once and help the girl out.”

“I’m good,” Rafael says. “I’ll take the detention.”

Thank God.

Mr. Rourke folds his arms across his chest and raises a single brow. “You sure about that? You signed the code of conduct agreement just like every other student here. This is your third visit to my office this month which means you’ll get a full week of detention instead of the usual one day. You’ll miss a week’s worth of Pack duties…,” he trails off and levels Rafael with a knowing look.

Rafael curses. “That’s bullshit.” He shoots out of his chair and instinctively I brace for a fight. “You can’t do that, Mr. R.”

“It’s out of my hands,” he says, his hands lift in a placating gesture. “You’re the one incapable of keeping your mouth shut. Now, I’m not one to offer alternatives but I don’t want to earn your Alpha’s wrath any more than you do. So, what’ll it be Mr. Castillo? The girl or detention?”

Rafael shoots me a withering glare, his dark brown eyes flashing silver.

“Wait, don’t I get a say in this?” I don’t need the kind of attention this will surely draw. I have every intention of blending in with the crowd. Being a nobody here at Hellbound High. I have a feeling that anyone who associates with this Rafael guy is not going to go by unnoticed. He’s tall, good-looking, and more arrogant than any other guy I’ve had the misfortune of crossing paths with, which can only mean one thing. He’s popular. I don’t do the popular crowd, not even in my own Pack.

“No,” both men say at the same time.


This is so unfair. Why am I being punished for this guy’s attitude?

After several tense seconds, Rafael mutters out a “fine” and storms past me. When I don’t immediately move to follow, he glares back at me from the doorway. “You coming or what? I don’t have all day, vanilla.”

I bite the inside of my cheek but I follow him.

Great. Looks like I’m already off to a great start.

3 Rafael

Rourke did me a favor saving me from detention. Doesn’t mean I have to like it. This girl is going to be a pain in my ass, I can already tell. She has fire. She’ll buck against being put in line. I didn’t miss the silver glint in her eyes when I called her a brat. For a young female, she’s no submissive. And for some strange reason, just the idea of going to battle with her brings eager anticipation and a cruel smile to my face. My beast rakes his claws inside me, eager to come out. It’s been too long since I’ve had anyone to toy with who actually presented a challenge.

My pops warned me this morning there’d be a newcomer. But he never mentioned she’d be a wolf. Only that Hellbound High had a shifter transferring in from another Pack and I needed to stay away from her. I hadn’t paid much attention at the time but maybe I should have.

There is no way I’m giving this girl a wide berth. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. It’s her first day here and

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