offered her old friend a hand up. Mahrai simply scowled, as though she had been forced to fight as some kind of punishment that was now finally over.

Veltai joined Kegohr a moment later and smacked the sand off his shoulders. They both went and stood beside Vesma and Mahrai, whose golem dissipated into the dusty floor of the arena.

Faryn and Kumi jumped to their feet to add their voices to the roar of the crowd around us. I joined them as fierce pride for all four of my friends surged through my blood. Each and every one of them had come so far since I had landed in the Seven Realms. They had supported me in the beginning of my journey, joined me in hair-raising fights against some of the worst evil I had ever encountered, and always had my back, no matter what.

Could I ask for anything more than that?

Kegohr, Vesma, and Veltai all bowed deeply to Guildmaster Xilarion. Mahrai stood a short distance away, offered a curt nod, then trailed after my friends as they strode over to join us in the stands. Another huge grin split my face as the four of them climbed the barricade around the edge of the arena and sat down on the benches in front of us.

“I can’t believe you outpaced me. Again,” Veltai grumbled to Vesma.

“You rely too much on sheer power,” Vesma countered. “Not enough application of the finer details. But don’t undersell yourself. You’re scary as all hells to deal with.”

“I remember that golem being bigger!” Kegohr said to Mahrai. “What did you do to it?”

She shrugged. “I sized it down. They said they wanted a show, not a fight.”

“Fair, fair, fair,” Kegohr said. “How did we do, Effin?”

All four of them looked at me expectantly, and I couldn’t help but laugh. A few months ago, the shoe had been on the opposite foot. They had been teaching me, not asking me for a performance review. I slapped Kegohr on the back, bumped fists with Vesma, and just gave Mahrai a smirk.

“Brilliantly,” I told them. “I doubt Flametongue Valley has ever seen a more spectacular exhibition match. I’m damn proud of all of you.”

Faryn brushed my arm. “Guildmaster Xilarion is about to give a speech.”

It took a moment for my friends to settle into their seats, but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Vesma, Kegohr, Mahrai, Kumi, and Faryn clustered around me. Veltai laid her head on Kegohr’s shoulder and caught her breath. We had come here to put on a show for the people of Flametongue Valley, and the crowd’s energy was enough to convince me that we had succeeded.

“What happens next?” Choshi asked from within the Demure Rebirth Warhammer. “Is it all over?”

Xilarion stepped down into the arena, and a swell of anticipation rolled through me. The guildmaster’s quiet presence stilled the crowd. A proud smile flickered over his face, and his dark eyes sparkled as he surveyed the people. Gray gleamed at his temples, while an ivory-colored band secured the neat ceremonial topknot of his hair. Every inch of him radiated pride, confidence, and hidden power. I had seen him fight in this very stadium a few short months ago, and I knew just how dangerous he was in combat.

“We’re in for a treat,” I said to Choshi.

“What will he do?” Veltai asked.

“He might demonstrate his own power,” Vesma replied. “Nothing inspires confidence in a community like seeing the greatest of Augmenters in action. And it’s been a while since he’s shown just what he’s capable of. He might have even set up a match against some of Clan Wysaro’s own Augmenters.”

“People of Flametongue Valley,” Xilarion said in a clear, loud voice. I wasn’t sure whether he used Augmenting to enhance it, but it was probable. “Thank you for attending our demonstration this fine morning. We, the Radiant Dragon, are proud to call ourselves part of this community. I would like to extend my personal greetings to our distinguished guests, the Wysaro Clan.”

Cheers erupted from the crowd, and the nobles inclined their heads in gratitude at Xilarion’s words. I was surprised at how accepting the farmers, villagers, and other lowborn were at having the Wysaro here. It seemed that many centuries of ruling Flametongue Valley were worth something, even if the clan’s previous leader had attempted to destroy the guild.

Xilarion lifted a hand, and the people quieted instantly. He turned his eyes to us. “We have seen our most powerful warriors demonstrate their mastery of Augmentation. But there is still one bout yet to come. I am pleased to present to you our bravest and most accomplished Masters in Radiant Dragon. Masters Rutmonlir and Faryn.”

Faryn froze beside me, and her face flushed a deep crimson.

I prodded her thigh. “I think that’s your cue.”

Faryn took a deep, steadying breath and rose. My friends parted and gave her access to the arena’s wall. She slid over the edge with effortless grace. Rutmonlir vaulted over the wall and joined Faryn as they strode toward Xilarion in the center of the training grounds.

At almost seven feet tall, Rutmonlir towered over Xilarion and Faryn. Scars peppered his sun-scorched skin, visible beneath a ragged jerkin. He grinned wolfishly through his beard at the crowd. Faryn looked calm and collected, but I knew that special attention from the crowd was the last thing she wanted.

It was one of the personality traits I liked most about her. Faryn was a brilliant teacher, but her humility and willingness to raise up her students rather than claim any of the credit just made her all the more attractive. I smiled as I sat back and waited for Xilarion to speak again.

“You’ve seen our best students matched in a bout to test their abilities,” he said. “But now, they will face the truest test of all. We, the Radiant Dragon, call Ethan Murphy, Kegohr, and Vesma to the arena. They will engage in their final test as Outer Disciples of our guild by fighting myself,

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