
I smiled. For some reason, I had expected her to have a more nature-based first name, something flowery like Plum, or Rose.

“Lucy,” I repeated, under my breath. I was glad this wouldn’t be goodbye to the Mistress.

My companions fell in beside me as we made our way to the north gate and left Brightwater behind us. The day was turning bright and clear, and we could see the road winding away from us, curving around the lakes and ascending up into the mountains.

“I must say, I’m looking forward to our first adventure as a team,” Jacques said.

“It is good not to be fighting alone, this time,” Veronica added.

“We can finally rescue Katlyn,” Amelia said. “And solve the mysteries of the prophecy, and the escaping monsters in the mines.”

It was good to have a team like this by my side.

I was looking forward to upgrading my own skills and those of my women as we ventured into dangerous, unknown territory. But that wasn’t my primary thought as we made our way northward.

Mana burned in me, and my tattoos tingled with each step I took. My magic was bubbling beneath the surface, like a boiling cauldron, waiting to be unleashed on the slavers who had captured Katlyn.

End of Book 1

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to see the sequel to Ink Mage, the best thing you can do is leave a review, letting me know that you want another book! You can Click here to review on Amazon.

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About the Author

Dante King is an author of Men’s Adventure fiction in various flavors. His books involve strong male protagonists who know what they want and do what’s required to get it.

You can connect with him at DanteKingAuthor.com

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