you have come to believe. This is not a game, Dominic. The magical relic we delivered to your house summoned me, and I have taken you with me to the Sinarius Realms. You cannot return home. You are forever sealed to the dungeon core. Fulfil my desires, and you might be able to seal your soul to another being, but you will never return to Earth.”

Holy shit.

I should have been afraid, but all I felt was excitement. There were too many things I couldn’t explain to doubt the goddess’ words. I knew for certain I hadn’t turned on the VR terminal even though I’d struggled for hours; I’d pulled the power plug from the socket because it was a stormy night and didn’t want to risk a power surge destroying the terminal.

Not to mention the incredible sensations I was now experiencing. A VR terminal couldn’t imitate the experience of real life like this; it was technologically impossible—unless some gaming studio had invented technology even the military didn’t have access to, but that was ridiculous.

As fucking crazy as it sounded, I’d been sent a magical relic that had summoned a demon goddess to transport me to this world.

And, according to Lilith, I was literally the heart of a dungeon.

I had some idea of what my new existence entailed from the goddess’s earlier explanation, and I’d fought against thousands upon thousands of dungeons from the confines of my living room. Surely those experiences would help me?

Hell, I wasn’t sure whether I was in way over my head.

Fuck it. I always worked best under pressure.

Slowly, the fog cleared away from the jewel, and the stone’s center pulsed like a glistening heart. I took assurance in the many faces of the beautiful precious stone, and the light seemed to grow stronger until it illuminated the rest of the chamber. I realized we were no longer inside Lilith’s throne room. She must have transported me here before merging my soul with the glowing jewel. This was a small cave with a narrow entrance and stalactites reaching down from the ceiling. The rock was obsidian, dark and slick.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Inside the caverns of Shadow Crag,” Lilith answered. “It is the largest mountain in all the Infernal Realm, home to a dwindling population of creatures under my dominion. Before you can venture to more fertile grounds, you must name your dungeon. What great and mighty name shall you assign it?”

My fear vanished as I considered my current state. Living inside a dungeon core was a whole lot better than getting kicked out of my apartment and finding a food service job. My name had been tainted by the media, and nowhere worth working would hire me.

Satisfied with this train of thought, I recalled the name of the most difficult Hell Dungeon from Enter the Dark Realm.

“Zagorath,” I answered as nostalgia filled my consciousness with warmth.

“A fitting name,” Lilith said. “I have created your realm. You should see—”

“Whoah!” A pop-up window appeared beside my jeweled heart.


Type: Infernal Core

Essences: None

Champions: 0/2

Abilities: Spring Trap (Physical)

“I thought this wasn’t a game?” I asked the goddess.

“I have made your interactions with this world much like the games you enjoy. I believe it will make your current circumstance more palatable. You are my Viceroy, and I want to make this experience . . . pleasurable.”

Chapter Three

The way Lilith’s tongue slid over the word pleasurable still wasn’t close to the excitement swelling inside my small, new, shining form. I was thrilled with the change of scenery. I’d lost my job, damaged my future career prospects, and had been just one month’s failed rent payment from getting evicted.

This was basically like dying and going to heaven.

Well, maybe it was more like going to hell, but this was a version of hell where I’d become the most powerful dungeon the realms had ever seen.

“So when can I get started?” I asked Lilith.

“There are a few things to be completed before you can start building your dungeon. You must not try to take in too much sensory experience at once. Your dungeon core is weak. Soon, you shall see in ways you never thought possible, but for now, you are a newborn. Your senses must adjust.”

Adjusting would take time, but it wouldn’t stop me prioritizing dungeon-building as soon as I could.

“What’s next?” I asked.

“You must choose an avatar.”

“Is that my first summon?”

“It is a type of summon, the only one you can fully control by inserting the totality of your consciousness inside its mind.”

The pop-up box of my dungeon core vanished, and another box replaced it.

The Superior Infernal Races

Obsidian Imp

Tiny and nimble race widely despised by almost all other races

Greater Agility


Chance to dodge spells

Gifted with Smelter


Children of the Dark One

Greater Intelligence

All fire spells are increased by 1 level


Progenitors of lesser demonic races that can produce offspring with many different races

All summoning spells are increased by 1 level

Gifted with Fruitfulness

Tainted Elf

Descendants of wood elves taken by the Dark One and infused with her demonic powers

Greater Charm

Permanent night vision

Gifted with Enthrall


Warriors of the Dark One

Greater Might

Gifted with Intimidation

The Obsidian Imp was a race perfect for rogues and the flight ability seemed neat. Devilkin was suited for sorcerers with a penchant for pyromancy while the Succubi/Incubi fitted a summoner class. The Tainted Elf probably worked as a kind of vampiric bard, and the Voidfiend was a go-to race for warriors and tanks. I had a preference for tanks, but that was mostly while playing in a party.

But this was different. I wanted to fully embrace the demonic flavor of this fucked-up world I’d hurtled into.

At least from the descriptions, the Tainted Elf was probably the most human-like of the Superior Infernal Races. With Greater Charm and the Enthrall ability, I could make an avatar to take my roleplaying ability up to the next level. I couldn’t tell exactly what those two abilities did, but I knew enough about fantasy RPGs to make accurate inferences.

I’d never really focused on charisma-style builds before, but this was the

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