brightly colored candy. It made the place seem fun and child-like. We walked the hall and I got an uninhabited look at her round bottom. Her jeans fit like a latex glove. They weren’t too tight but she did look like she was carefully poured into them. Just when I thought this town was dead as a corpse, things were heating up. If I weren’t careful my cock would be standing up. I needed to think nice thoughts about this nice lady.

I stayed at Sweet Treats all day until closing. The traffic inside the store was good although I didn’t have anything to compare it to. I couldn’t believe I had a regular job. I sold candy, rock sweets, lemon drops instead of pear drops, licorice, and jellybeans instead of jelly babies. I’d never had a regular job before and it felt good having this constant interaction with everyday people.

Kat showed me everything I needed to know. I got a full tour of the store, the basement, and the single customer bathroom. There wasn’t too much to it. I mastered it quite quickly. Everything had a rhythm to it. I didn’t pack a lunch. Hunger did creep up on me. Kat sent me a few doors down to the deli to grab our lunch. She paid for it. I couldn’t remember a woman ever paying for anything.

I was having loads of firsts on my first day at Sweet Treats. I had a perfect day with Kat but I knew the feeling wouldn’t last forever. I hoped it would last until the end of summer. I wanted her to like this imitation of me. The real me was quite undesirable.

I dreaded the wrath of Dr. David. I’d been gone all day and I was surprised he hadn’t sent a search party out to drag me back to hell. He was texting and calling me like a madman. I texted him I would be home before dark. But because of my track record, he didn’t believe me. I felt it was better to leave the explaining to when we were face to face.

I didn’t want to leave Kat alone at the store. I’m sure this town didn’t have a high crime rate. Leaving her to clean up and lock up didn’t seem gentlemanly. I had been known to act like a gentleman from time to time.

I watched her lock the front door to the shop. I climbed on my bike and rode off at seven-thirty. I would probably be able to make it back before dark. I wasn’t in much of a rush. It was hard for me to answer to anyone. I’d done my own thing for as long as I remembered. I didn’t have rules. I was an emancipated youth at sixteen.

I didn’t know Dr. David well enough to know his reaction but I was a brave lad. I lived a fearless life. I hoped this wouldn’t go bad so early into my rehabilitation.

Chapter 2


The house was silent when I quietly entered. The door wasn’t locked. I was in the country. I didn’t think locked doors were a thing here. I carefully closed the door behind me and breathed a brief sigh of relief. I gingerly inched my way to the edge of the staircase. I placed my foot on the first step. No creaking noises, just the slight tap of my overpriced running shoes.

“Jagger!” Dr. David’s voice boomed.

I stopped moving and sighed. “I’m coming!” I followed the direction of his parental sounding voice. I had to backtrack, turn, and walk around a wall and through an open space.

Whoa, David and Fiona were glaring at me with this lingering look of total suspicion. It was warranted, I suppose. I looked again and there was a look of disappointment. I knew that look I’d given it to my father too many times to count. Why did I think of my father?

I entered the formal dining room. David was standing behind the chair at the head of the table where Fiona was sitting. Her small hands were clasped together and rested prim and proper on the table. I was about to be tagged teamed and it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“You know the drill.” David’s voice wanted to be stern but it wasn’t much to his dainty tone. I had known too many assholes in my life. He was much too zen to be scary to a tosser like me.

David’s eyes wandered down at the white cup on the table in front of him. My eyes followed.

“This is for me.” I playfully joshed and they didn’t think I was comical.

“I took the necessary steps to grab the cup of the table. I sat the cup back down on the table to empty the pockets of my denims. I removed my cell phone from my front pocket. I removed the single key from my front right pocket. I placed both items on the table and swiftly grabbed the empty white paper cup.

“Use the bathroom down here. Don’t close the door.”


I hung my head and ambled out the room to the loo just around the corner. I remember when I used to rock out with my cock out. This was nothing like that and rather humiliating. Sure, I had to take a splash. I was going to get that part right. My life had really come down to this.

I whizzed in the paper cup and I didn’t wash my hands. I wasn’t supposed to do anything but urinate into the cup. I didn’t even flush the crapper. The rules were made clear to me upon my arrival. I zipped up and walked my warm yellow cocktail right to Dr. David and Mrs. Glass. I placed it on the table and now multiple test strips were sitting there waiting to be dipped into my cup of piss.

I walked back into the loo and flushed. I washed my criminal hands and went back to join Dr. and Mrs. Glass. I pulled out

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