Copyright © 2020 by Mandy Harbin


ISBN: 978-1-941467-35-0


This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any existing means without written permission from Mandy Harbin, M.W. Muse, Penning Princess Publishing, or Mandolin Park, LLC.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author's imagination and used fictitiously.

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To my parents for all their words of encouragement over the years and to my mom for critiquing many of my earlier stories…those that did not have sex in them.

Books that weren’t like the ones in this series.


Author’s Note

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11


Also by Mandy Harbin

About the Author

Author’s Note

Hey, y’all! There are two points I want to quickly touch on. 1. The publishing industry has changed. 2. Shit happens.

If you follow me on social media, you saw I was a victim of robbery and arson two years ago. At the time, I wrapped up my contractual obligations and then took time to heal. After I finished my crusade of justice and put my big girl panties back on, I turned my attention back to writing and all that entails. Part of that process was taking stock of the contemporary stories I’d published through various means to see if I could package them together.

This series is the result of that effort.

Some of these books were previously published, which I’d gotten the rights back to. Others were only available in limited release. Since I like leaving little nuggets for my readers, some characters crossed over from one series to the other as sort of special-guest appearances. (Pssst…There are even references to characters here from The Bang Shift Series. *wink wink*). Therefore, it made the most sense to repackage them into one, fun, contemporary romance series.

To more fully solidify these interconnected stories, I did some minor rewrites. That being said, you don’t have to read the new versions to understand what’s going on. Below is a break down of the books previously released, so you can check your e-readers before you choose to buy. I’m working hard on the next Bang Shift Series book, but there are still a couple of fun stories I’d like to add to this rebranded series in the future. ;-)

Super Hot Supervisor – Against Company Policy/Digital Possession

California Crush – Against the Wall

Hardheaded Hubby – Blue Balls and Push-Up Bras

Long Distance Lover – Blue Balls and Long Distance Calls

Momma’s Boy – Blue Balls and Southern Drawls

Billionaire Beefcake – Against The Billionaire’s Will

Part-Time Player – Stripped Dare / Against The Grain

Chapter One

“Get your ass in gear, girl, we’re gonna be late!” Sasha yelled as Cassie was trying to pour a cup of coffee before rushing to the meeting that was suddenly called.

Why was Richard throwing everybody into a tizzy first thing on a Monday morning? Cassie overslept, didn’t get her jog in and now was being hustled into a staff meeting. Oh she’d be getting her java first. Richard could kiss it.

“I’m coming,” Cassie grumbled, stirring in the creamer as she grabbed her laptop. “What’s this about anyway?”

Sasha ran her free hand through her jet-black hair as she juggled her laptop in the other. She was a free spirit, danced to her own tune, which included chopping her hair into a spiky mess and dyeing it, though it suited her spunky persona. “No clue. But I have better things to do than sit in a meeting.”

“You and me both,” Cassie mumbled as they entered the conference room and took their seats.

“Glad you could join us,” Richard said as he pulled down the projection screen for what was probably a video conference. Great. So this wasn’t going to be just a staff meeting.

“What’s this about?” Sasha asked while she and Cassie logged on to their laptops through the wireless connection in the building.

“You know the application we built for that home security company? Well, the west coast office got a contract to build something similar for a major security company out there. Corporate doesn’t want them to reinvent the wheel.” He turned to Cassie. “Since you were lead on that project, Tucker, you’ll be working with the software development leader in that office to modify the existing application to fit the needs of their client.”

Cassie stared at Richard, speechless. The person Richard was talking about was Ian—

“Cope is an efficient leader and will do a fine job on this project,” Richard continued, interrupting her thoughts.

Cassie’s company-wide IM popped up on her laptop.

Ian Cope is hot as hell! I can’t believe you get to work with the west coast hottie.

Apparently, Sasha couldn’t wait for the meeting to end before voicing her opinion.

Cassie glanced over at Sasha, but she was covertly arranging her notebook, not looking at Cassie.

“This is Mac. You got us, Richard?” Carl “Mac” Mackenzie asked as he appeared on the screen. He was VP in charge of the west coast office. Cassie didn’t care for him much, but she didn’t have to deal with him regularly either.

“Yes, Mac. I’ll let you drive this meeting.”

“Great, thanks. Hi, everyone. Sorry we’re just now getting online. I know all of you are busy, but I need to discuss some preliminaries before getting to the heart of the matter.”

Mac droned on about quarterly reports while Cassie sipped her coffee and cocked an eyebrow up at Sasha, who was typing.

Who the hell cares about financial statements? It’s not like he’s addressing corporate.

You know how Mac is, Sasha. I’m just glad we don’t work under him, Cassie responded.

Looks like you could be working under Ian Cope. I can think of a lot worse places to be. She threw on a smiley face at the end of her IM.

Wasn’t that the truth? Ian Cope was the epitome of masculine yum-yum.

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