of the radio guys. Fred. He snuck out of the room when you were fighting with Sykes’ men. Fred shot that last guy before he could kill you ... Although, to be honest, sir, we thought you were already dead. Anyway, we got down the hall and found the bodies of Senator Maddison and his bodyguard. It looks like they were part of the coup attempt but got into a disagreement.”

Theodore waited patiently for the young man to continue.

“That soldier, his name is Ken Laughton. He had recovered from that flash grenade when we got back. He saw that you were still alive and told us to bring you over here. Then he went after Sykes.”

Theodore’s eyes widened. “So, it was Senator Sykes who was behind all this.”

“Yes sir. Sykes”—Winston pointedly dropped the Senator title—“is part of some organization that calls itself Rosae Crucis. Ken caught up with him at one of the exits. Sykes is in our jail. Ken has been visiting him to ‘extract intelligence,’ as he calls it.”

Winston did not look particularly upset about that.

Theodore had a far-off look as he considered the identity of the rat his good friend President Clarkston had warned him about. “Sykes...” Theodore repeated, tasting the name. He looked up at Winston. “What did you call it? Rose...?”

“Rosae Crucis. I’ve done some research, and the closest I could come up with is some breakaway group of the Order of Rosicrucian. That’s the Freemasons, and the Knights Templar and all that.”

“Rosae Crucis. Well, whatever they call themselves, they’re going down.”

The old general had finally found a focus for his anger. He met Winston’s eyes and could tell that the young man had more to say.

“What else, son?” he asked.

Winston fidgeted a bit. He was clearly excited about something.

“This is big, sir ... It’s the bubbleheads.”

Theodore’s eyes flared as his aide nodded excitedly, a wide grin starting to appear on his face.

“We’ve made contact.”


About the Author

Marco de Hoogh was born in The Netherlands, youngest son of Gerard de Hoogh; published author of 17 books, and Truus Sierat; artist and most wonderful person in the world. Yes, Marco is a mama's boy. Marco moved to Canada when he was twelve, and calls Calgary his home.

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