the cabin.”

They mounted their horses and rode in opposite directions. Bob would never understand the closeness he shared with George Baker. He was everything in a man that his own father had never been, and it pained Rowan to know his elderly friend was plagued with lung problems.

Chapter Two

Sheriff Bob Tait sat at his desk with his feet up, reading the latest letter from Lotte. In another few months she would be his bride. He could hardly wait. He had already put in his resignation and was training his deputy to take over his duties in Twisted Creek. Holding the letter up to his nose he inhaled the rose perfume, the essence of his sweet gal.

The door was suddenly shoved open with such force, it banged against the wall causing the Wanted posters on his desk to fly off. His hand automatically went to his gun. “What on earth are you up to?”

Dressed in men’s pants and shirt, and with her dark hair scraped back from her face and tied with a leather thong, Miranda Kingston marched in just about spitting fire. “I want that woman stopped.”

“Calm down, what woman?”

“Helen, Jacob’s woman.”

“Why? What has she done?”

“She’s set a date for the wedding.”

Bob stared at her, his jaw dropping in shock. “What do you expect me to do about it? Getting married isn’t against the law.”

“She’s going to talk him into building a new ranch house, and he’s going to borrow money from the bank using his share of the ranch as collateral.”

“Jacob wouldn’t do such a thing; he knows how your pa hated debt.”

Miranda stomped up and down. “He would if she asked him to. He is so besotted he’d do anything for that woman.”

“There’s nothing I can do about it. When is the wedding?”

“In a couple of months, I think. I won’t live there with her. I can’t bear to be near the witch. What am I going to do? This town won’t be big enough for the two of us, I’ll have leave.”

“You could always get married,” he said, trying to hide a grin. He could scarcely believe the state she had got herself in.

“Married! Me! Who to?”

“Well, I don’t know.” He snapped his fingers. Yes, he did, Rowan. Miranda might be a bit of a firebrand although a ranch gal through and through. “I happen to know a man who lives on a ranch in Mountview who could be looking for a bride.”

“Who?” She shot the word out and gave him a suspicious stare. “None of these varmints in town are worth a second look.”

“Do you know what a mail-order bride is?”

“Yes. A desperate old maid writing away for some ugly brute of a husband, who can’t get a woman any other way.”

“It isn’t always the case, Miranda. What about me and Lotte? She’s a sweet, beautiful woman.”

“You were lucky. And I guess she was too. You aren’t such a bad catch, Sheriff Bob. If you were still available, I might be tempted to take you on myself.”

He laughed. “You’re too late. I am well and truly taken.”

“I’m so mad I could bite myself.” She slumped in the spare chair and tugged at her hair. “Who is this man? Why can’t he get himself a wife in the usual way.”

“He’s my cousin.”

“I didn’t know you had a cousin.”

“Just shows you don’t know everything about me. He’s foreman on the Crossbow ranch in Mountview.”

“And.” She stared at him through big emerald green eyes. She was an attractive gal and would make any man a good wife, if she could keep her temper in check and get out of those men’s clothes she favored.

“He’s got a nice cabin on the ranch and could easily give his wife a comfortable life. There are very few decent, unattached gals out where he lives. His thirty-three and wants to settle down.”

“I don’t know.” She propped her elbows on her knees and stared him in the face.

“I’ll give you his address, and a covering letter of introduction. You can write to him, ask him whatever you want to know, and tell him about yourself.”

“Oh, all right. I could do that I suppose.” She shot up in the chair and clenched her fists. “I’d prefer to live with the devil himself than share a roof with a witch like Helen.”

Bob laughed. “She’s not so bad,” he said, knowing every word Miranda uttered about the woman was true. He could scarcely believe Jacob would be such a fool. Love is blind, the saying jumped inside his head. Very true in this case.

He took out a pencil and piece of paper and wrote Rowan’s address on it. Now, what could he say about Miranda? She would surely read anything he wrote.


Hope all is okay with you. Remember our conversation at Aunt Gertie’s funeral?  I have spoken with Miranda who is interested in corresponding with you with a view to marriage if you are compatible. I have known the family for several years and they are decent, God-fearing ranch people. Miranda is hard working, honest and pretty. She would be an asset to any ranch. I think she would be suitable for you.  Bob.

“Let me see what you wrote.”

He handed the letter over and she skimmed through it. “It sounds okay. Shouldn’t you describe me?”

“No, that is up to you. I’ve given him enough information. You have to write to him and tell him, whatever you want to tell him, I guess.”

“All right, thanks.” She shoved the letter in her pocket.

“Don’t wait too long or he might find someone else.”


Miranda stepped out on to the street. How could Jacob do such a thing? Risk the heritage their father had left them because of that woman. If he failed to

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