(tsar), 22, 23

Nicolae, Laura, 112, 115

1917 Revolution, xv, 21, 27, 66, 117

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 111, 114, 120

Notes from the Underground (Scruton), 122

Obama, Barack, 50

offset printing machine, 166

Ogorodnikov, Alexander, 111, 157, 158, 160–61, 195–98

openness, 149

oppression, Soviet, 21

Oprisan, Constantine, 201–4

organizing, 179–80

The Origins of Totalitarianism (Arendt), 30–31

Orwell, George, 14–15, 75–76

Nineteen Eighty-Four by, 111, 114, 120

Palko, Vlado, 66–67

parallel polis, 120–22

pariahs, xii, 87

Parkinson, Patrick, 155–56

Pastor, Judit, 106–7

pastoral lifeline, small groups as, 171–74

pastors, 172

patience, 170

PayPal, 80, 89

Permanent Record (Snowden), 82–83

persecution, 106, 107, 162

“the personal is political,” 39

Philistines, 55

phobias, 57–58

Pill of Murti-Bing, 14, 15–16

Pink Police State, 10–11, 83, 184

Piteşti Experiment, 199–204

pizzeria, x

plays, 118

Poglajen, Tomislav, 3

Poland, 74, 118, 147

political correctness, 8, 56, 108

political myths, 67


identity, 61, 65

of surveillance, 79–83

Popiełuszko, Jerzy, 147–48, 176

Popkov, Viktor, 158–59

pornography, 44–45

positivism, 52–53

post-Christian world, xiii, 162, 163

Postman, Neil, 88

postmodern mode of existence, 10–13

power, 60–61, 155–60

Prague, Czech Republic, 129–30

prayer, 154, 161, 196–97

preachers, 172

pre-conditions of totalitarianism, 93

pressures, 102

pre-totalitarian culture, 36, 38, 44, 93

prison experiences of Ogorodnikov, 195–98

privacy, 69–70, 71, 83, 90–91

progress, 48, 49

modernity as, 50–53

as religion, 54–56

progressive militancy, xiii

progressives, xi–xii, 48

progressivism, 55–56

Prometheanism, 23, 44–45

propaganda, 35–38, 37, 108–9, 119

prophets, 3

prudence, 105–7, 205

Putnam, Robert, 31, 32

radicalism, 25, 26

Rand, Ayn, 72

Ratzinger, Joseph, 116

Reagan, Ronald, 195

reality, 62–63, 120

Red Terror, 58–59

rejecting doublethink, 103–5

relativism, dictatorship of, 116

religion, 44, 51, 117

American dream held by, 53

hope of, xv

progress as, 54–56

rival, 162, 163, 188–89

“see, judge, act” motto and, 162–63

totalitarian resistance through, 151–52

repentance, 197

resistance to soft totalitarianism, xv, 213–14

revolutionaries, 13, 26, 42, 43

revolutionary class, intellectuals as, 41–43

Rieff, Philip, 11, 34

rival religions, 162, 163, 188–89

Romania, 199

Romaszewski, Zbigniew, 179–80

Romaszewska, Zofia, 179–80

Rusanova, Olga, 103

Russia, 21–23, 47–48, 145–46, 173

appeal of communism in, 24–27

Day of Remembrance in, 123

KGB of, 159, 198

Moscow, 21, 47, 123, 156–57, 158–59

saboteurs of God, 212–14

sacramental theology, 204


for greater good, 140–41

honoring, 210

sacrilege, 200

saints, 99, 100, 178, 200–201

Saint-Simon, Henri de, 52

salons, 144

Sályi, Tamás, 49, 105–6, 116–17

samizdat (underground literature), 166, 167, 168

sanctuary cities, 120–22

science, 25, 52, 53

Scripture, 153–54, 192

Scruton, Roger, 56–58, 121, 122, 179

secret police, 69–70, 135, 159, 170, 177, 198

secret room, 166–67

secret seminars, 121, 122

secular liberals, 175, 176

“see, judge, act” motto

families and, 149–50

history and, 126–27

Kolaković using, 5, 19

religion and, 162–63

solidarity and, 180–82

suffering and, 205–7

truth and, 107–9

self-destructive behavior, 187

self-fulfillment, 184

self-sacrifice, 201

seminars, 121, 122, 144, 157–58, 159

sensualism, 44

Seraphim of Sarov (saint), 99

sermons, 159–60


to Christ, 134

to others, 143–45

sexuality, 35, 64

shelter from gathering storm, 93–94

Silicon Valley, 80–81

Šimulčik, Ján, 165–66, 167–68, 170

Sipko, Yuri, 102, 146–47, 172–74, 185–86

1619 Project, 36–37

SJWs. See social justice warriors

Skibiński, Paweł, 117, 118–20

Slezkine, Yuri, 25–26, 50, 55–56

Slovak Catholicism, 4

small groups, 179, 181

fellowship of, 150, 182

as pastoral lifeline, 171–74

smart home, 79

smartphones, 78–79

smart speakers, 69, 76

Smith, Christian, 184

Snowden, Edward, 70, 82–83

social atomization, 31–32

social control, 89–90

social credit systems

of China, 86–87

Westernized version of, 92

social importance of families, 145–48

social justice

Christianity and, 63–65

cult of, 9–10, 42–43, 59–60

ideologies of, xv, 94

intersectionality of, 62

social justice warriors (SJWs), 10, 42–43, 46, 59–61, 62–63

social media, x, 37, 41, 79–80, 82

social responsibility, corporate, 73–74, 75


communist, 97–98

fear of weirdness in, 139

loyalty compared with expertise in, 39–41

soft totalitarianism, xiii, xiv, 10–11, 56, 58

gentleness of, 9–10

ideologies and, 15

resistance to, xv, 213–14

solidarity, 155, 163

Christianity and, 174–77, 181

of Krčméry, 192–93

“see, judge, >act” motto and, 180–82

Solidarity (trade union), 147

solitary confinement, 196, 197

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 17–18, 23–24

Gulag Archipelago, xiv, 165, 193–94, 199

“Live Not by Lies!” essay of, xiv, 214

Soviet Bloc, xii, xiv

Soviet communism, 7, 22, 28–29

Soviet oppression, 21

spiritual exercises of Krčméry, 152–55

StB (Czechoslovak secret police), 135

stories, 108–9, 126, 138

The Stranger (Camus), 158

strength from weakness of others, 201–4

Strittmatter, Kai, 87, 88

suffering, 182, 183–84

accepting, 210, 211

without bitterness, 191–93

as gift, 193–99

Kaleda on, 194–95

Komáromi on, 186–87

“see, judge, act” motto and, 205–7

as testimony to truth, 185–88

surveillance, 11, 68, 69–71

capitalism, 75–79, 93

China using, 84, 85–86

politics of, 79–83

surveys, on communism, 112

Suslova, Marina Nikonovna, 125–26

Taylor, Flagg, 66

technology, 52, 53

facial recognition, 86

information, 71, 125

telling truth, 105–7

temptation of totalitarianism, 29

Tertullian, 148

theology, sacramental, 204

therapeutic culture, as postmodern mode of existence, 10–13

This Saved Us (Krčméry), 153

thoughtcrimes, 57–58

Tolkien, J. R. R., 138

torture, 23, 153, 192, 193, 199–200

totalitarianism, ix, x–xi, 3, 8, 28

. See also soft totalitarianism

Arendt on, 30–31, 32, 39, 42, 45–46

definition of, 30

families and, 130–35

new, 7, 185

pre-conditions of, 93

religion as resistance to, 151–52

temptation of, 29

traditional families, 132–33

traditions, 116, 117, 126, 127

transgression, desire for, 34–35

The Triumph of the Therapeutic (Rieff), 11

Trump, Donald, 39–40

truth, 61, 213

living in, 17–19, 99, 101

“see, judge, act” motto and, 107–9

suffering as testimony to, 185–88

telling, 105–7

Twenge, Jean, 91–92

Twitter, 80, 82

tyranny, 17, 67, 184, 212–13

Uhl, Petr, 143

Ukraine, 125

The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Kundera), 91

underground church, 6, 130, 165, 171

Mikloško on, 169–70

power of, 155–60

Šimulčik on, 167–68

useful lies, 35–38

values, Christian, 211

Vaško, Václav, 5

Velvet Revolution, 6, 90, 140, 155, 209

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 112

voting, 18, 51, 98

Vox party (Spain), 82

weakness of others, strength from, 201–4

We Have Been Harmonized (Strittmatter), 87

weirdness, fear of, 139

Westernized version of social credit system, 92

wider movements, 142–43

Witkiewicz, Stanisław, 15

Wittner, Mária, 104–5, 187–88

Wojtyła, Karol, 117–18

woke capitalism, 71–75

wokeness, 8, 17

Wurmbrand, Richard, 155, 199–201, 204

Xi Jinping, 87

young people, 91–92, 183, 184

Young Pioneers (communist youth league), 102

YouTube, 80

Zionist Imperialist Conspiracy, 57

Zuboff, Shoshana, 76, 77, 79, 81


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