some time ago. Even under the influence I wasn’t happy about this, but I maintained a kind of amazed cheer at the whole situation. The disbelief that this could actually happen to me went a good way towards convincing me it was an illusion.

Now I am really, properly, pissed off.

Why won’t they let me out? Isn’t there bail or some shit? Who do I throw money at to dismiss this thing? For fucks sakes! I need a drink, and I’ve been without pussy for quite some time now. Those women need me. That’s the real crime going on here, denying those lovely ladies.

I’m tempted to yell at the guard nearby, but I’ve got to cook up a good reason. I know it doesn’t matter how rich I am if I act like too much of a dick I’ll end up in a worse room. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not scared of anyone, but I don’t feel like being stripped by criminals for the loose change in my pockets.

Figuratively speaking, considering the cops took everything before they locked me up. There could still be cash or valuable shit in my inner pockets, I’m always finding odd notes and bits of jewelry. You never know when you’re going to meet a sweet lady who loves a surprise gift.

I tap my fingers on the bars, wondering if I could fake some kind of illness. They’d have to send me to a hospital, wouldn’t they? It would be like upgrading to a hotel. I’d have food and freedom and nurses to fuck. Let’s do this shit.

As I’m deciding how to have my little collapse, I hear a click of heels on the hard floors. Only women in high heels make that sound. I let myself collapse on the hard cot, looking down the hall eagerly. A visitor. Lady cop? DA? Who cares? Let’s hit this baby with a full load of Riker Lord, anyplace she’ll take it.

Do I get in trouble if I fuck in here? I mean, is it a crime to bang in your jail cell? Surely the guard will just give me a fist bump or something. Bro rules work everywhere, don’t they?

The slow steps get closer, coming around the corner. She walks slowly, that’s for sure. The anticipation is killing me.

I see the shiny black toes of the heels come around the corner. A ray of light angling through the window shifts, hitting the floor. My eyes race up her body as she comes up to the door of my cell, shocked open and imprinted by the light.

Not just the sun, but her.

Long, slender legs. Vibrant, dark skin. The lightest flare of hips before a narrow waist, incredible tits, and a delicate, full-featured face.

Her eyes. They're so wide and large and...dark. She looks haunted somehow. It hints her beauty with darkness, something tragic, almost.

It’s not like she looks sad. That would just irk me. No. This is like some deep and never-ending defeat, a submission to the forces of life. Whatever is coming, she’ll take it.

She tosses her long black hair, huge dark eyes snapping to my face. In that instant, she changes. Her features become hard, sternly drawn. The full lips flatten out, and she glares at me like I’m an insect that dared to crawl towards those shiny shoes.

My poor cock doesn’t know whether to stand up or fall down. My eyes stare at her face, her tits, her legs and I think my mouth might be hanging open.

“Mr. Lord,” she addresses me with restrained fury, as if I’m a kid getting caught out late after dark. Dear God, Mistress. Punish me.

“Yes,” I grin smoothly. “And you are?”

She sticks a hand through the bars. “Jane Gordon. Your lawyer.”

“Oh,” I get up quickly, shaking her hand so she can step away from my cage. “That means you work for me, correct?”

She glances up at the officer nearby. “Yes. I’m not sure what that implies. I’m here to get you out of jail.”

“Good, good. Do you need to interview me, or something?”

“That’s what I’m doing right now.”

She glares at me from under her lashes. Even though I keep my easy smile and relaxed stance, I feel like I got punched in the balls.

She’s so beautiful, her body was just made to be pleasured. I can’t get it out of my mind. The way she looked when she walked in, she was all sweet submission, something to be taken, snatched and squeezed until the hot juices come running out.

But now. Look at the fire in her! She’s a fucking tigress. That look in her eye says she’s going to eat me alive and then kill the leftovers.

“Oh, okay,” I try to recover the conversation. “So, what do you need to know?”

“The official charge is inciting a riot. Do you agree with this?”

“So that’s what they’re calling it? I wondered if giving away money was actually a crime.”

“Technically, you were giving away casino chips, and that’s not technically money. They belong to the casino. That’s a whole other problem, should the casino decide to pursue.”

“Oh, they won’t. They’ll keep charging my room. They won’t make a peep.”

“Well, it’s the city you have to worry about. These are serious charges. Endangering public safety and being violent in a crowd—”

“I wasn’t being violent!”

“Several officers have recorded the behavior and they may get security camera footage. It may be, at the very least, reckless.”

She glares at me again and it’s so hot I think I might tear the bars apart to get to her.

“Well. It looks like I have the best on my side. I trust you.” I give her my very best puppy dog eyes.

“That isn’t going to fly with me, Riker!” She uses my first name without thought, without care. Fuck, not many people have the guts to do that!

“What isn’t going to fly with you?” I catch her eye, rubbing my lip.

She watches my hand. She looks at my mouth. I see it. I lick my lips.

“Your usual flirty bullshit,” she

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