
I sped up.

Gilmore, Decatur, YES! Washington Rd.

I turned onto the street a little too fast causing the wheels to screech along the streets.

I drove into Harper’s driveway. Tia’s car was already there, a stunning G Wagon with the license plate ‘PRNCESS,’ I looked at it and smiled.

I got out of my car, and walked up to Harper’s front door wiping the streak of swear daring to drip down from my forehead. Before I even was able to bring myself to knock on the door, Harper opened it up, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

“You’re late,” she said gloomily.

“It’s 6:03!” I said in a panic.

“I had to run out of my house, and I was speeding. I could have of been on ti-” She stopped me.

“It’s okay, I’m not that crazy,” she said smiling.

I faintly smiled back. She moved to the side, opening her door wider, inviting me inside.

I walked inside and was astonished. Her loft was bigger than my whole house. Chandeliers hanging from the towering ceilings.

Many large glass windows in the building showing amazing views of the whole California.

“Wow,” I said in my head.

“What?” Harper said.

I guess I said that aloud.

“Nothing, my foot was just feeling a bit odd, it’s probably because of all my running.”

“Right…” Harper said doubtfully.

Tia came out from the corner behind the steps. Thank God.

“Hey Coy,” she said, “Isn’t her house amazing? It’s said it was the house used in Mean Girls for Regina George.”

“It is!” Harper said, “Cost quite a few millions, but my parents did not mind. Anything for me, right?

Yeah, except for them. I thought to myself.

We all stood there awkwardly for a good two minutes.

“Shall we get going?” Harper said, finally breaking the silence.

“Yeah,” I said laughing, Tia joining along.

Harper led us into her garage of cars. It was full of Lamborghinis, Ferraris, G Wagons, BMWs, Soccer mom vans, and much more. She took a key from the side of the door, it being the big 7 seater Jeep in the back.

Tia and I looked at Harper oddly and looked at each other in the next second.

“What?” Harper said with a puzzled look on her face, “I have other friends coming as well.”

We shrugged and followed Harper into the car. She put in the key and twisted it to the right. She put the car in reverse, opened the garage, and we drove off.

Chapter 8

We reached the carnival. Bursts of lights coming from all directions.

A big Ferris wheel to my left and a scary-looking roller coaster to my right. My eyes opened wide at the sight of the ‘Popular Group’ members running over to us. All of them dressed in red, blue, or white. They looked like an American flag,

They finally reached us, after what seemed to be forever. Were they walking in slow motion or what? Anyways, a blonde-headed, brown-eyed girl named ‘Saf’ hugged me.

“Hi, my name is Saf!” as she pulled out of the hug.

“When did you move to LVHS?” She said boldly.

She really said it with her whole chest. I could not tell if she was being serious or joking.

“Oh, I’ve been here since freshman year,” I said giggling.

She laughed back, squinted her eyes, and tilted her head a bit. She thought I was joking, but I just ignored it.

Nic emerged from the crown and my stomach dropped.

“Hey Tia, uh, Hey Coy,” He said with uncertainty.

“Hey,” Tia and I both said, me holding myself back from blushing.

“Let’s go to the Ferris Wheel guys!” a boy shouted from the crowd (it was probably Jonas).

Everyone just shouted a simple ‘yeah’ and made their way to the ride.

The conductor asked us for our wristbands. Harper brought out a stack of cash and handed it to the conductor.

“14 wristbands please!” She said smiling deviously.

He handed them to her and we all put ours on.

“Enjoy the ride!” The conductor said counting the hundreds of dollar change Harper had just given him.

They all began choosing people to sit with while Harper latched onto Tia, so I was alone. I looked around for Saf, but she was partnered up with a girl named Kadence. The only person left was Nic.


I just concluded I was going myself.

“Nic, go with Coy!” Harper shouted.

My eyes widened, I quickly forced them closed, and opened them back up less wide.

Nic put his hand on the back of his neck and strolled over slowly. A faint smile on his face.

“Let’s go everybody,” Saf said in her commanding cheerleader voice.

Everybody went on the ride two by two with their designated partners. It was Nic and I’s turn. We got on the ride, the conductor closed the entrance to the hot air balloon like seat we were in, and the ride began.

“So, uh, how is Buddy?”

“He died a few years back,” I said.

Buddy was my dog. Nic lived on my street when we were younger. He was the chubby short boy back then. Braces on his teeth, and those type of sandals that would make you question his livelihood.

“Why did you decide to um…”

“Change?” I said boldly.

“Yeah..” He said scratching his brow.

“I felt like I needed a change. Senior year, well, it needed some changes. I wanted to meet new people, but I just wasn’t in the same category as ‘em, you know?”

God, I said too much.

He chuckled lightly.

“I know, remember, short, fat, brace face me?” He paused, “You’ve always been beautiful Coy. There are no categories. Everyone is the same. If you wanted to speak to me, I am available.” He gave me a sincere smile. One I hadn’t seen since we were kids.

“Thank you,” I said.

He looked into my eyes,

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