day, too. I’m not sure I’ll be up for cooking.” I run my hand through my hair making it stand on end, and then without really realizing I’m doing it, I bite down on the inside of my cheek.

“You’re nervous.” Her eyes go a little wide as she scans my features.

My eyes flick to hers as I let up on the skin between my teeth. “Yeah. A bit.”

“You’re going to do great, Sawyer. I’ve never met anyone with such an extensive knowledge of history—and not just the textbook stuff, either. I love all your quirky little tidbits and fun facts.”

I grin. “Thank goodness, or you’d have kicked me out by now.”

“Nah. I like your cooking way too much to kick you out for being a little nerdy.”

I bark out a laugh. “Nerdy, huh?”

“Yeah … just a little.” She shakes her head at the mock-offense on my face. “Seriously, though, the kids are going to love you. I’d have killed for a teacher like you. Instead, I had Mrs. McGruber for eleventh grade US History. I swear, she was old enough to be in the history book herself.”

“I don’t know what to think about the woman who is going to be my mentor. She was pretty short with her responses, which makes me think she’s … oh, I don’t know. I don’t want to say cold, but she didn’t seem like your typical teacher.”

“Maybe you’re thinking about elementary school teachers who coddle their students. This is high school, Sawyer. Not only are you going to have to figure out how to teach, but you’re also going to have to learn how to deal with teenagers and all the drama that comes with that. Think about it—this Ms. Beckett? She deals with that crap all day long. You think she has time to sit down and compose elaborate e-mails? And you contacted her over break.”

“Good point.” I shake my head. “Can I also be honest and say I’m concerned that I won’t deal well with students of this age?” My younger sisters, Kari and Khloe are fifteen and seventeen, respectively. Come to think of it, they probably do give their teachers a run for their money. I don’t know how I’d deal with either of them in a classroom setting.

“I think you’ll figure the kids out, no problem. And maybe you’re mistaking this woman’s teacher armor for indifference? What do you think their teachers have to do just to survive that mess?”

“I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how I do with them.” I rub my hand over my jaw, thinking. “Are these kids going to drive me to drink? Because that’s what my dad always says my sisters do to him lately.”

“Could be. Anyway, I’m sure your Ms. Beckett is just a busy person. I think once you get to know her, everything will be just fine.”

Chapter 3


The minutes tick by and I’m becoming increasingly anxious waiting for this guy to show up. I’d come right to Zoey’s office in the guidance department after school and parked myself in the chair across from her, the desk between us. Her seat faces the door, and she intermittently glances into the main office, keeping an eye out for Sawyer. Looking down at my phone, I’m surprised to see it’s only 3:25 p.m. Oh. He’s not even late yet, and here I am bitching at him in my head. I lick my lips and lean closer to Zoey as I whisper, “What if he’s a total idiot?”

She scoffs. “Then you’ll report back to the college and let them know there’s a problem. That’s totally not happening, though. We’ve had really good, positive experiences with student teachers from Roxford College.”

I press my lips together. “What if he’s just weird, Zoey?”

“Had, you are working yourself up for nothing. Absolutely nothing.” She looks just over my head in the direction of the door, her eyes widening as she mumbles, “Oh, boy.”

Our head secretary’s tinkling, singsong voice comes to me from the front desk. “Ms. Beckett, Sawyer Rivers is here to see you.”

My eyes lock with Zoey’s, which are still huge, like a character in a comic book. “What?” I hiss. “What’s wrong?” I can’t interpret her expression and begin an internal freak-out, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

She whispers, “See for yourself. That guy is not who you were expecting.” I open my eyes just as she smiles at whoever is waiting on me and waves at him.

Swallowing hard, I stand and pivot on my heel, only to freeze in place. Oh. My. God. It’s tall, dark, and drool-worthy, aka Mr. Yummy. It’s totally the guy from karaoke night at the bar two weeks ago who I’d made the most bizarre eye contact with. I blink a few times and swallow again before regaining my good sense and walking toward him with my hand outstretched.

“Hi. I’m Hadleigh Beckett,” I murmur just as his big hand envelops mine. His firm grip makes my heart jump in my chest.

“Sawyer Rivers. I guess I’m all yours for the foreseeable future.” He spreads his arms out from his sides with a grin on his cute-as-fuck face, complete with a dimple on one side.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. How is this happening? This was not the problem I was anticipating, not in the slightest. He’s supposed to be a dork. Or old. Or weird. He’s not supposed to be this magnificent specimen of man. I hurriedly glance back at Zoey, who shrugs her shoulders and smiles sweetly back at both of us.

I clasp my hands in front of me, holding them tightly to my chest. “Okay. So, I guess I should show you around first. A little tour of the building? And then we can get you copies of textbooks and talk about what you’ll be teaching and how we’ll handle all of that.” And, oh my God, I’m rambling. Make the verbal vomit stop.

He nods, a smile twitching at the corners of his masculine lips. “Sounds great.”


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