which lies the South Pole. What awaits intelligent life on this continent? Unique environmental conditions that cannot be found anywhere else, unknown flora and fauna, deadly monsters and… who knows what else. Magnificent treasure? Lifeless wastelands? Death and oblivion?

Reward: title Pioneer, perk Pioneer (+300 feet to view radius, +10% to mounted movement speed).

Beast God Conqueror

The beast god Montosaurus, Ancient Reptile, hid from the New Gods for centuries in a spatial pocket on the island of Kharinza, where he destroyed all life. The Montosaurus acknowledges only strength. Having lost a duel to you, he is now your battle avatar!

Reward: Beast God Conqueror title, Beast God Conqueror perk (+10% reputation with beast gods).

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered Forever!

You have received another achievement in the First Kill category on your first attempt! It seems the gods of Disgardium not only favor you, they give you prominence above all the other heroes!

Reward: combines all rewards of the previous stages of this achievement; title Dungeon Hero, perk Dungeon Hero (+25% damage and movement speed in instances).

First Ever: Level 400!

You are the first in Disgardium to reach level 400! Your name shall forever be recorded in history; people like you expand the limits of what is possible for all sentients, and give others an example of what can be achieved!

Reward: artifact Grain of Transformation.

First Ever: Level 500!

You are the first in Disgardium to reach level 500/ Your name shall forever be recorded in history; people like you expand the limits of what is possible for all sentients, and give others an example of what can be achieved!

Reward: active skill Flight.

First Ever: Mightiest Punisher

You have earned the Mightiest Punisher for the first time in the history of Disgardium!

Reward: ColdBlooded Punisher.

First Ever: Most Magnificent Avenger

You have earned the Most Magnificent Avenger achievement for the first time in the history of Disgardium!

Reward: perk Magnetism (loot from enemies you defeat is automatically sent to your inventory, with filtration options available).

First Ever: Just A Perfect Day To Die!

Achievement Just A Perfect Day To Die! earned for the first time in all the history ofDisgardium!

Reward: active skill Spirit Shackles.

Treasury of the First Mage: Path of Courage

To the brave will be given! May the walker take gg steps! You completed the Path of Courage!

Reward: ability to make one achieved stat boost permanent for use outside of the Treasury.

Choices available:

+50% base damage

+30% movement speed

+20% dodge chance

+20% parry chance

+50% critical damage

+10% critical hit chance

+50% armor

+5% chance to stun an enemy for 1 second when dealing any damage.

That Doesn’t Happen!

Defeat an enemy who is more than ten times higher level than you.

Hmm… You better• contact tech support and make a bug report. Did the mob get stuck in the terrain? Haha, just kidding. Everything is possible in Disgardiurn! What an incredible achievement!

Reward: Legendary Storm Dragon Summoning Whistle.

I’m on Fire! I am the Fire!

Defeat 100 enemies who are more than five times higher level than you.

This is so impossible that it speaks for itself You re on fire, no doubt about that.

Rewards: +100% health points; Diamond Reputation Token (+2000 with any faction instantly).

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