estate, hard work aplenty—but we will do it together, Hope, and you will have my heart—and all of my love.”

“I was hoping for a few other things.”

“Anything,” he vowed. “Anything I can give you, I will.”

“A dance,” she whispered. “A jaunt into dangerous territory . . .”

He remembered. That first night. “And bliss,” he finished.

And she was in his arms and the kiss lasted quite a long while, as they shared their happiness, forgiveness and relief. They planned a lifetime of love with heat and passion instead of words. They kissed and touched and whispered together until a knock sounded on the door.

“You’ve been in there long enough,” Miss Nichols said through the panel. “The countess is looking for you.”

They went out then and followed her friend downstairs, still with eyes only for each other.

But Tensford’s mind had turned to their future. “We can get the large saws we need for the mill and perhaps the steam engine. It may be, if we can turn enough profit, that we will need only to cut part of the forest acreage.”

She pulled him to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. “No. We will not cut down even one tree. I have enough to do all that we could wish at Greystone.”

He frowned. “Hope—just how much does pots and pots of money work out to be?”

“A lot. Far more than Miss McNamara’s paltry forty thousand.”

He blinked. Then stumbled back a step to sit upon a nearby bench.

She followed and perched upon his knee. “We’ll have lobster patties every day!” she cried, throwing an arm high.

“And bliss every night,” he murmured, pulling her down.

And so they kissed again, while the footmen snickered and inside, the ton danced on.

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Deb Marlowe adores History, England and Men in Boots. Clearly she was destined to write Historical Romance.

A Golden Heart winner and Rita nominee, Deb writes Regency Romance and Young Adult Fantasy Adventure.

A proud geek, history buff and story addict, she loves to talk with readers! Find her discussing books, movies, TV, recipes from Deb Marlowe’s Regency Kitchen and her infamous Men in Boots on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Connect with Deb

Also by Deb Marlowe

A Series of Unconventional Courtships

Love Me, Lord Tender

Nothing But a Rakehell

Kiss Me, Lady, One More Time

The Half Moon House Series

The Novels

The Love List

The Leading Lady

The Lady’s Legacy

The Lady’s Lover

The Novellas

An Unexpected Encounter

A Slight Miscalculation

A Waltz in the Park

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Beyond a Reasonable Duke

Lady, It’s Cold Outside

The Earl’s Hired Bride

The Castle Keyvnor Pixies

Lady Tamsyn and the Pixie’s Curse

Lord Locryn and the Pixie’s Kiss

Writing as D.M. Marlowe:

The Eye of the Ninja Chronicles

Eye of the Ninja

Obsidian’s Eye

The Fire in the Ice

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