ways he’d never have dreamt…even in his worst nightmares.

With his life turned upside down, his name discredited, his friends persecuted, and the authorities chasing him for something he didn’t do, Steve finds himself on the run with nothing but his wits and his best friend by his side. When a man finds himself hitting rock bottom, he thinks there’s little else he can do but go up…unless he’s facing an evil willing to dig the hole deeper. An evil in the business of pitting men against odds so great, they risk losing their very souls in the attempt to escape.

Mind Trip

Here lies a collections of just some of the dark and twisted ideas that have run through the mind of Heath Stallcup over the years. Join him in a journey to the darker side of short story fiction.

Hunter Trilogy

Born of Viking stock and careered into the Swedish Navy, Sven Ericsson finds himself in the fabled New World. Away from the restraints of society, the young Northman is dragged into long nights of debauchery; nights that lead him into the waiting arms of a dark beauty who will change his very nature forever.

Fighting his new, unnatural status, Sven steers clear of humanity, skulking along the fringe of society and filling his inhuman need with the blood of the outcasts and the easily forgotten. He is a shadow among the shadows...until extraordinary events centuries later force him to emerge from the dark. A mishap of his own making pits Sven into a moral quandary that will remind him what it means to be a warrior.

He is a killer. A fighter. And a Hunter of his own kind.

Caldera The Series

Caldera the Series

For years, the biggest threat Yellowstone was thought to offer was in the form of its semi-dormant super volcano. Little did anyone realize the threat was real and slowly working its way to the surface, but not in the form of magma. Lying deep within the bowels of the earth itself, an ancient virus waited.

Recently credited with wiping out the Neanderthals, the virus is released within the park and quickly spreads. A desperate plea for assistance reaches the military, but are they coming to help those battling for their lives or to wipe out every living thing for miles around in an effort to prevent a second mass extinction? Can what’s left of humanity survive the raging cannibals that erupt from within?

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By JJ Beal

Check this YA Zombie thriller from JJ Beal.

Lions & Tigers & Zombies, Oh My!

The cold war has heated up again. This time the battle will be fought on every street in America.

Trapped in a major city, hours from their small town country home, a team of young girls find themselves cut off from everyone they know and left to fend for themselves as the world spins out of control.

With nothing but their wits, their softball equipment, and their friendship to hold them together, they face incredible odds as they fight their way across the state. Physical, emotional and psychological challenges meet them at every turn as they struggle to find the family they can’t be sure survived. How much more can they endure before reaching the breaking point?

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