long as possible, but the library closes at midnight and still no word from Autumn.” I lift my hands and let them drop, flopping back on the couch and kicking off my flip flops. “Where’s Cal?”

The furrow between Simon’s brows only grows deeper, the longer he stares at me. “Why don’t you text her and—“ He cuts himself off with a grunt at my raised eyebrows. “Never mind. Assuming your roommate’s …” He clears his throat. “Cal’s out. Not sure when he’s coming back. Make yourself at home.” The last statement is tossed over his shoulder as he disappears down the hall.

I lean forward to try to peer after him, but I’d have to get up to actually see anything, which would make me seem like a creeper trying to follow him around his house, and that’s not happening. What is he doing?

He reappears a moment later, and much to my disappointment, has a gray Marycliff football T-shirt now covering that glorious chest. Large, firm, round muscles, a dusting of hair on his pecs and a delicious treasure trail starting at the top of his flat abs and thickening as it disappears below his waistband …

Giving myself a mental slap, I drag my mind out of the gutter. Maybe I was checking out Cal’s teammate he brought home that Thanksgiving. Because I know I’ve done it every time I’ve seen Simon. But can you blame me? It’s not my fault that all his friends look like fitness models.

The couch creaks as Simon settles his large frame as far away from me as possible. I dart glances at him out of the corner of my eye as he picks up the remote and presses play on the paused show.

“Oh!” I sit up a little straighter and tuck my feet under me as the first episode of Cobra Kai comes to life. “This is a great show. Are you just watching it for the first time?”

The look he throws my way is equal parts amusement and annoyance. “Yes. My schedule is packed, so I’m just getting around to it. Shh.”

I make a show of zipping my lips then settle back into my seat. Maybe this night isn’t shaping up so bad after all. Watching a great show with a hot guy at his house? Yes, please.

And for at least a little while, I’ll pretend that he isn’t my brother’s friend and this isn’t my brother’s house and that I actually have more than a snowflake’s chance in hell of landing Simon at some point.

I’m not stupid. I know he’d never go for me. He’s a senior. He’s a football player. He’s my brother’s best friend.

And I’m the annoying little sister.

I know how life actually works. But for a few minutes, I’m just going to let myself believe in possibilities.

That’s what Autumn’s whole point for tonight was, after all. Manifesting what you want for the semester. And what I want is to have some fun. And ideally I’d like some of that fun to be with someone who looks something like Simon. So even if I’m not chanting naked in the moonlight, I soaked up some moonlight on the walk over here, which according to Autumn is important somehow, so I’ll take that energy and direct it toward what I want.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and put my desires out into the universe. Fun with a hot guy.

Sounds like a great plan to me.

Вы читаете A Very Marycliff Christmas
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