tomorrow, the price of the showy digs that had, thus far, portrayed success to the onlooking masses, would be mere petty cash. A significant jump into a high-scale six-figure income, would not only provide relief to her over-stretched budget but bring prestige and respect. The new position was a dream come true.

Six short hours later, she did indeed need all the miracle cremes of make-up to camouflage her lack of sleep. Appearances were of utmost importance to her boss, and that day, she needed to pull off the well-rested portrayal of the future partner of Fashion Queen Magazine. At the office, the workload on her desk grew steadily, as she seemed unable to concentrate on anything but the evening affair. So, instead of sitting on pins and needles, she used her pent-up energy to ensure the gala event in the social room of the business unit went off without a hitch.

The decorations were bright and splashy, just like the woman who ran this organization, and the food that the caterer delivered would satisfy the diverse taste buds of those attending. Stock holders, office personnel at every level, and the common grunt-workers all the way down the line to basement employees would attend this party.

For reasons of their own, the entire staff held their breath in anticipation for their preferred new-boss-name to be called out, and Selene could not help but notice the sucking-up to both her and Steven who no doubt could make their futures either easy or unbearable, at will. Selene recalled being in their position and had done her fair share of sucking-up to those being promoted to the elite group upstairs. Today, she enjoyed being on the end of the spectrum.

Her cell phone rang in her jacket pocket and she took it out. Her shaky fingers noticed it was Craig Landers, and she relaxed.

“Hi babe,” she said, sighing deeply into the phone.

He laughed. “You are using that forced-casual voice that tells me you are almost ready to jump out of your skin.”

“Really? Do I have one of those voices?”

“You do,” he said. “How’s the day going?”

“Slow and torturous.” Selene dropped into a nearby chair.

“Am I still picking you up at the condo – seven tonight?”

“Certainly. I can’t parade around the event unescorted. People will think I have no life outside of work and portraying a balance is key. It suggests a form of steadiness that people hope to achieve in this lifetime.”

“An oxy-moron in your case. Anyone who knows you is aware you live at work and have no balance in your life at all,” he said with a touch of sarcasm that did not go undetected by Selene. She realized he did not understand her passion and what it took to get to the top. “It’s been two weeks since we’ve had an official date – other than phone calls and texting if you consider that the norm between a man and a woman.”

Selene softened her voice to get him in the party mood. “But I did get the flowers and candy you sent for my birthday. Thank you.”

“Yeah, well I couldn’t see wasting them, even after you stood me up,” Craig said.

“It was month end, Craig. You know how crazy things get around here,” Selene said, knowing full-well she used that same line on just about any day of the month. “I promise, after tonight, things will be different. No need to impress when you’re an equal,” she added glibly.

Craig changed the subject. “I received a piece of mail today with both our names on the envelope – almost like a married couple.” He chuckled, but she ignored his attempt to steer the conversation onto the subject she avoided like the plague. He wanted to categorize their relationship into what he considered a normal progression, but she was quite happy the way it stood now – convenient but non-committal. She forced herself to listen as he continued. “There’s no stamp on the manilla envelope so I gather someone just tossed it in my mailbox at the end of the driveway – knowing I’d see you eventually.”

“Splendid! I have fans already – using you to get to me,” Selene said, trying to lighten the mood. “Bring it in the car when you come around later. We’ll open your mystery envelope after the event.”

“Afterward seems appropriate,” said Craig in a tone she did not appreciate.

“I’m not in the mood for your bantering, Craig. I changed my mind. Just open the thing now, and make it quick,” Selene said, bouncing to her feet when Steven arrived in the party room. “I can barely manage to open my business mail today, let alone personal letters. I just want the whole day to be over with.”

“What? And deprive me of ushering the prettiest girl in the room around on my arm, not to mention missing a chance for an authentic date.”

The man knew how to turn her mood around.

“I’m a mess,” Selene admitted in a muffled voice, turning her face to the wall for privacy.

She heard Craig break out in hysterics. “I never even looked at the return address. Seems Dear Mrs. Claus has pre-paid for a wee celebration – just the two of us. She calls it Christmas in July. The wonder-lady must have the inside scoop that you are going to get the promotion.”

“Mrs. Claus? Whatever are you on about?” Selene said.

“Scouts honor,” he said. “Reservations – for two – which means I am invited along on this retreat in case you had a mind to bring one of your colleagues and make it a working vacation.”

“I have no time for a vacation, Craig. My new job will be very demanding,” Selene argued.

“Oh? I could have sworn you said this move up the corporate ladder would decrease the hours you spend at the office.”

“With the pay hike I’ll be getting,

Вы читаете Christmas Hearts in July
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