I’d like that.”


Odd Season

It was an odd season.

The wild geese threaded the sky through

the equinox’s needle

the sugar maples burned upon the hill.

The bear came walking down the road

through the middle of town.

My neighbor saw him,

said he looked like he was going somewhere

not quite in a hurry.

Everybody stopped to watch.

Couldn’t get out of the way fast enough

and then there wasn’t any need

because the bear kept walking

didn’t look right or left.

Somebody grabbed a gun from their truck

and somebody else told him to put it away

and not to be a goddamn fool.

He left holes in the road

shaped like bear tracks.

In another place they should have filled with turquoise

but here they were red clay and an inch of clear gray water.

The tracks ran past my neighbor’s garden.

She planted wild lupine around them

which never does too well on clay.

These grew all right. Maybe that was the miracle.

For the rest of us

we didn’t talk about it much

it was one more odd thing

in a season already filled with them.


I always used to roll my eyes at those five-page acknowledgements that showed up in the back of various books.

Then I became a writer. Heh.

Thanks go, therefore, in no particular order, to Sigrid Ellis for buying a short story and setting me down this dark road, to Maggie Hogarth for cover consultation and a lot of good advice about self-publishing, and to my friend Mur Lafferty, who writes short stories and runs a podcast that buys short stories, for discussing the existence of such things as if they were normal and not from some weird other dimension inhabited by people who are not me.

Thanks also go to Terri Windling, for running a poetry week on her blog which led to a couple of the poems in here, and to many long ago folklorists, without whom the world would be a far drearier place.

Thanks forever and always to my kind blog readers who have read my stuff and uttered variations on “I like this!” and occasionally even “I would buy this!” which is possibly the most heartening thing that a reader can say to an author.

Huge, massive, Sharknado-sized thanks to KB Spangler, who edited “Boar & Apples” and left snarky comments in the sidebar and who is probably reading this right now and judging me for not having used semi-colons. (Seriously, what is with editors and semi-colons?)

Likewise, thanks to my three faithful proofreaders, who went through it in record time and caught so many errors that I went and hid under the bed for awhile. Cassie, Jes, and Josh, you three are awesome and if you ever need a kidney, I will start hunting down strangers with your blood type.

And finally, my thanks and all my love to my husband Kevin. There is a place in everything I write, at about the 3/4th mark, where I lose all my confidence and force him to read it and tell me whether or not it will shame my ancestors. He has therefore endured more cliffhangers than any man should be forced to endure, as well as me hovering over him while he reads, going “You twitched! What made you twitch? Was it a funny bit? Was it a bad bit? TELL ME TELL ME OH GOD IS IT HORRIBLE?!”

Despite this, he stays married to me. (I think it’s because I buy him sushi.)

You are all the best sort of people and I am flattered that you let me hang around with you.

Editor’s Afterword

The original fairy tales quoted use multiple grammatical, spelling, stylistic, and typographical conventions that are no longer standard usage. Rather than update all of them, with the exception of removing spaces preceding punctuation and using current American conventions for quotation marks, I have left them as originally published. I have also maintained the informal style and internet conventions of the original blog posts wherever possible. My thanks to Ursula Vernon, NESFA, and Arisia for allowing me to work on this project. Special thanks to Anna Bradley, Ann Broomhead, Dave Cantor, Lis Carey, Gay Ellen Dennett, Dave Grubbs, Rick Katze, Alice Lewis, Tony Lewis, Ben Levy, Geri Sullivan, and Tim Szczesuil who were all generous with their help. Any irregularities or errors that remain are mine. I would also like to thank my friends and my family, especially Elizabeth Bear, Beth Coughlin, Scott Lynch, and Karen Westerholm, without whom there would be neither me nor this book. — Sheila Perry

Technical Notes

All material was submitted electronically and was set in Adobe Garamond, Golden Type ITC, Minion, and Sunantara, as well as Franklin Gothic and Magneta (on the dust jacket), using Adobe InDesign. The book was printed and bound by Sheridan Books of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on acid-free paper.

No birds, toads, or fairy-tale creatures were harmed during the making of this book.

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