
“There’s just something about them …” Gabriel looked in a daze as he stared at the plate. “They all smell so good and taste heavenly. Like I’ve never known what food was like before.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to tell my girl you like her food.”

“Girl?” His head swung over toward the kitchen. “So, your employee … is she still here?”

“Temperance?” she asked. “Maybe. She doesn’t usually leave until one but—oh, ’scuse me, kiddos.” She nodded at the new arrivals waiting by the door. “I’ll get your order in as soon as I seat them.”

As soon as Rosie turned and walked away, Gabriel slid out of the booth and began to make his way to the pie display counter, seemingly unaware he was bumping into people. But he kept right on, rushing past the display and pushed the kitchen door open so hard, the crashing sound reverberated across the room.

“Dammit Gabriel,” Damon started to rise, but J.D. waved him down.

“I’ll take care of that blockhead,” she said. “You guys sit tight.” With a sigh, J.D. marched toward the kitchen.

“Everything all right with Gabriel?” she asked Damon.

“Who knows?” he shrugged, then flinched when he heard a crash coming from the kitchen. “I should—”

“J.D. said she’ll take care of it.” She slipped her hand into his. “Tell me how you are. And how Krieger is doing.”

“He’s … he’s doing well.” Damon had told her all about his former master sergeant, and she encouraged him to spend time with him. She never asked what they talked about, and Damon wouldn’t say. But, deep in her heart, she knew this was something he needed, and the best thing she could do was be there for him.

“Good,” she said. “I tried on my wedding gown today.”

“Oh?” He raised a brow at her. “Should we give it a test run?”

“Test run?”

“I’m sure Tim has a bottle of tequila with your name on it—ow!”

She hit him playfully on the shoulder. “Beast. You’re never going to let me forget about that night, are you?”

“First of all, I’m your beast.” The rumble from his chest—from The Demon—sounded like one of agreement. “And secondly, of course I’m not going to forget it. That was the night that changed my life, when you walked in there and into my life.”

Warmth spread across her chest and all over her body. “I love you, Damon.”

“And I love you.” He leaned down to kiss her, but stopped when an indignant shout came from the kitchen. “Damn, Russel,” he growled. “I should—”

She took his hand as she eased out of the booth. “Let’s both check on him.” After all, Gabriel was now her other best friend too. “Together,” she said.

“Together,” he murmured and kissed her palm.

Anna Victoria enjoyed this moment, as she knew chaos was going to follow, because this was Blackstone, after all.

And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

If you want to read a hot, sexy bonus scene from this book including that proposal in Hawaii

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Up next is Gabriel’s Story!

Want to know what’s in store for him?

And who is this mysterious pie maker?

Find out when the book comes out!

Pre-order The Blackstone Ranger Charmer now book now!

Releases August 5, 2020!

All my love,


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