Victoria and J.D.,” Temperance said. “Later, guys.”

As the other couple walked away, Sarah slipped her hand into his. “Do you really think The Knights won’t bother us anymore?”

“I don’t think they’ll attempt to kidnap me and try to make me hurt anyone,” he said. “But I doubt that’s the last Blackstone will see of them.”

“What about Thoralf? Did he say anything?”

“Not much about his mission,” he said. The dragon shifter had left right after The Knights’ attack on him, but they kept in touch via text. “He did send me a message this morning, wishing us well and apologizing for not being able to make tonight. He’ll drop by for a visit if he’s ever passing through.”

“Good. I—” Sarah frowned.

“What’s wrong?” He sensed his mate’s distress through their bond, as did his bear. The grizzly lifted its block head, nostrils flaring. Turning toward where she was looking, he scanned the room for danger. “Did you see any reporters or any suspicious-looking people?”

“No. It’s Darcey. I think I see her over there.” She brushed passed him, heading toward the exit. He followed her, of course, until they reached her sister, who stood by the doors, her back to them.

“Darce?” She reached over and grabbed the other woman’s shoulder and spun her around. “What’s the—are you crying?”

Tears streaked down her pale cheeks, which she quickly brushed off. “Nothing,” she cried. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s obviously not nothing.” Sarah gripped both her arms. “What’s the matter? Tell me why you’re crying.”

“Did someone hurt you?” Daniel’s voice turned edgy. “Tell me.” His grizzly roared at the sight of the female’s tears.

“No. Not intentionally,” she whispered. “At least I don’t think so … I’m sorry, I have to go. I’m gonna go to my room, I just need to be alone for a bit.” Shrugging off Sarah’s grasp, she turned and darted toward the elevators.

“Damn it!” Sarah chewed at her lip. “What the hell could have happened? She was fine earlier.”

Daniel chewed on his lip. What could have made Darcey cry? Or who? His fingers curled into fists. If he found out who hurt her, he was going rip them into shreds. His inner bear smashed its giant paws together in agreement.

“I know it’s our reception,” Sarah began. “But Darcey …”

“She needs you, baby doll. I understand.”

“I shouldn’t leave you.”

“You can come back down after you make sure she’s okay,” he said then caught her hand, raising it to eye level so they could both look at the gold band encircling her ring finger. “Remember what it says.”

Her lips curved up at the corners. “I’ll never forget it. I don’t think I ever did.”

Daniel had recalled her saying something about the chapel on The Strip sending their rings away to be personalized. On his last trip to Vegas to help Sarah and Adam pack up their apartment, he’d swung by, and sure enough, the rings were ready and waiting for them.

“You.” He kissed her fingers as he repeated the words engraved inside the gold band and in his heart. “Only you from now on.” He could let go just for this moment, because he still had the rest of his life with her. “Let me know how it goes.”

Though anxiety still marred her face, she managed a smile. “Love you.”

“Love you too, mate.”

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed reading Daniel and Sarah’s story as much I enjoyed writing it.

Next up, what could have happened to Darcey?

Who made her cry?

Find out by pre-ordering the next book, Blackstone Ranger Rogue.

Comes out in early October!

Pre-order it now at $2.99 (goes up to 3.99 on release day).

All my love,


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