you can't be open to it. Did he seem interested in you?"

"He asked me to dinner but only to make up for what happened this morning."

"Or maybe it was a date. If he asked you to dinner he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"He wasn't asking me on a date. He specifically said dinner was to make up for what happened. Oh, and he mentioned something about setting me up with one of his friends, so no, he's not interested in me."

"You should do it."

"Do what?"

"Let him set you up. You keep saying how hard it is to find someone in New York. If this guy's willing to set you up, do it. Maybe his friends are hot too."

"I don't know. I guess I could consider it, although I really need to focus on work right now. I'm up for a promotion. Did I tell you that?"

"Yeah, but you weren't sure if you'd get it."

"I have to. It's that or—" I pause, not wanting to even consider moving back home. "I really need that promotion."

"That bad, huh?" Macie says with a sigh.

"I'm just a little short on money this month. But I'm not going to worry about it. I'm supposed to be relaxing."

"But now you can't because of the money you're spending on this trip. I wish you'd told me this sooner. We could've cancelled the trip. Maybe it's not too late to get your money back."

"It is. You have to cancel 48 hours before you arrive."

"I'm sure they'd make an exception. Didn't you say the people who own the place are really nice?"

"Yes, but I don't want them losing money because of me. I don't think they're getting many guests. I snuck a peek at the reservation book and only saw a few names written down. I don't mind staying. I need the break. I'll get back feeling refreshed and ready to work even harder. That's sure to get me the promotion."

"You could always ask your parents for money."

"And have them tell me what a huge mistake it was to move to New York? I'd have to be desperate before that happens."

"I'd give you the money if I had it."

"I know you would," I say, feeling sad I won't be seeing her this weekend.

There's a knock on my door. "Delivery for Sophie Chambers."

"Who was that?" Macie asks.

"I don't know. He said he has a delivery."

"Go see what it is."

"Hold on." I set the phone down and go to the door. When I open it I see a man holding a vase of flowers.

"Delivery for Miss Sophie Chambers." He smiles as he hands me the vase. "Enjoy."

"Thanks." I shut the door and go set the vase on the nightstand, then pick up my phone. "I got flowers."

"From who?"

"I don't know. Maybe they give out flowers now to every guest."

"Is there a card?"

I walk back to the flowers and see a card sticking out. It reads, Sorry again for what happened. Hope these make you feel better. If not, they at least smell nice. - Aiden.

"They're from that guy," I say.

"The hot one?"

"Yes. I mean, the guy with the flying papers."

"The hot one," she says in a teasing voice. "So I guess this solves the mystery of whether or not he likes you."

"That's not why he sent them. The note says he's sorry for what happened. They're apology flowers."

"That was nice of him."

"It was." I smile as I lean down to smell them. They're a mix of flowers in all different colors, placed in a pretty rose-colored vase.

"You should have dinner with him."

"I'm sure he has a girlfriend. Guys who look like him always have girlfriends."

"You could have dinner as friends."

"I don't think so. Hey, I should go. I promised my boss I'd look over a spreadsheet for her and I'm already late getting back to her."

"You're not supposed to be working today."

"Tell that to my boss. She doesn't believe in days off. It's fine. It won't take long."

"Okay, well, I'm going to try to get a flight home."

"Good luck! Let me know what happens."

"I will. Talk soon!"

"Yeah, bye." I set my phone down and move the flowers to the small table that's next to the door. I lay down on the bed, looking at the bouquet and trying to remember the last time I got flowers. It's been years, probably at least three or four.

My phone chimes with a text. Did you review the spreadsheet?

It's like Bianca knew I was just starting to relax. I get up and go over to my computer bag. I take the laptop to the bed and fire it up, my eyes going back to the flowers as I wait for the files to load.

Bianca texts again. Are you there? Why aren't you answering?

Looking at it now, I text back.

Reviewing the spreadsheet should've only taken a few minutes but ends up taking two hours because Bianca insisted on going over it on the phone with me, talking through every detail and having me make changes.

Now it's four and I never got the nap I wanted to take, or the walk I'd hoped to go on. I didn't even have lunch. I lost the whole afternoon because of work. I love being an event planner but Bianca makes it far more complicated than it needs to be. She's someone who works because she doesn't feel right if she's not constantly busy. She doesn't know how to relax, and doesn't understand people who do.

After a quick shower to wake myself up, I go down to the inn's restaurant for dinner. It's early and nobody's here. There's a small bar so I sit there instead of at one of the tables.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asks. He's cute. Probably a couple years younger than me with shaggy brown hair and deep dimples in his cheeks.

"Manhattan. With two cherries, please."

He gives me a smile. "Coming right up. I'm Charlie, by the way."

"Sophie," I say, smiling back.

"Going for the hard liquor, huh?" a deep voice says from behind me.

I look

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