knock. A man like him doesn’t. Barged right in and stuck the barrel of his handgun between my eyes and dared me to breathe.

I shake off the memory and scrub my body. Scrubbing away everything but my memory of the first time I saw Alexa.

She wore a red bikini, running through the sprinklers of my front yard. I rolled up on my dark cherry Road King. Her gaze met mine, soft pink lips tipping into a big smile, flashing her pearly whites at me as she pranced around barefoot. Thrusting a dandelion toward me dusted with gold glitter she said, “Make a wish.” I closed my eyes and wished for strength because I knew somehow the devil had sent her to tempt me.

I step out the shower and towel off quickly, needing out of this house. Needing far away from her.

Music belts from somewhere in the house. I shake my head and snag a t-shirt off the hanger and grab a clean pair of jeans off the top of the laundry basket at the foot of the bed.

I get dressed and walk toward the living room fingering through my wallet for pizza money. The smell of weed permeates the house. I follow the scent to the kitchen and find Alexa perched on the counter, bobbing her head, joint snug between her fingers as she takes a hit.

Stepping between her legs, I snatch the doobie from her and put it out in the ashtray sitting next to her ass. “The fuck you doing?”

“What’s it look like?” She smirks her tempting lips at me, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder. “It’s been a shitty day, Murder.” Her brow arches as her finger rubs over the patch on my cut.

Knocking her hand away, I take a step back.

“Why do they call you Murder anyway? You kill someone?”

“None of your fuckin’ business.”

“Don’t be a party pooper.” Her smile droops into a frown. Her eyes glazed.

“Don’t test my limits, pretty girl. I’ll do what your daddy never did and bend you over my knee. Bust that ass till it’s glowing red.” The thought of it makes me hard, and I know I need to put some distance between us. Shit ain’t right. The thoughts I have about Alexa aren’t fatherly.

Alexa slides off the counter, stepping into my personal space. “You gonna use your hand or that big wooden spoon hanging on the wall over there.” She nods to the decorative giant wooden spoon and fork Ruthie hung up over the sink.

I breathe in and out. Her sassy assed mouth makes my blood boil. “Mess with me and I’ll shove it right up your ass,” I growl. Alexa loves to push my buttons. Testing the limits of how far I’ll let these games she plays go.

Her face colors crimson. Licking her lips, she cocks her head sideways. “At least get me good and wet first.”

Steam nearly blows out my ears. “Shut that filthy mouth before I stick a bar of soap in it.”

“You’re no fun.”

“I mean it. Behave.” I slap a couple twenties in her palm. “Order a pizza. Keep the doors locked. I’ll have eyes on the house,” I warn. “Don’t be bringing any of them fuckboys around here.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she mocks. “I’ll be a good girl.”

“If I were your daddy you wouldn’t be pressing my buttons. You sure as fuck wouldn’t be staying over at an outlaw’s house.”

“Pity. I was looking forward to you taking me over your knee.”

My cock twitches again at the thought, pressing against the seam of my zipper. “Order the pizza for fuck’s sake and put on some clothes. Try to stay out of trouble.” I stomp through the door that leads into the garage. Climbing on my bike, I back down the driveway and roar off toward The Devil’s Playground, my clubhouse.


“What are you doing here?” Nickel, the club VP, squeezes his whore’s tit and bites her neck. She squirms in his lap.

I take up the empty seat at his table and nod to the prospect behind the bar to get me a beer. “Banks around?”

“Cleaning the shitters.”

I shake my head. “What did he fuck up now?”

“Nothing. Bathroom is just nasty as fuck.”

“Where’s Lion?”

“Prez took off about an hour ago mad as hell about something. What’s up with you?”

Shit. I hope Ruthie didn’t go flapping her damn jaws again.

“Same shit different day.”

“Ruthie,” he mutters with a shake of his head.

It’s always fucking Ruthie. “You.” I look to the whore.

“Yeah.” She leans forward, titty hanging out the top of her tank top. Mascara smudged under her blue eyes. Diamond pendant dangling around her neck.

“Go take over for Banks. Tell him Murder wants to see him.”

“Wh-what? You want me to clean the bathrooms? I could you know...” she makes the motion of jerking her arm up and down with her fist clenched, pressing her tongue against her cheek.

“If I wanted my dick sucked, you’d already be on your fuckin’ knees. Bathrooms now,” I bark, slapping my palm against the table and the bitch visibly jerks.

Her gaze flicks to Nickel.

“You heard the man.” He pushes her up from his lap.

The dumb cunt moves off toward the bathrooms. Someone slides my bottle of Bud in front of me.

I snort. “Where’d you find that one?”

“Poker game.” He grins slicking his dark hair back into a ponytail.

“Fuck. I think you were cheated.”

“Nah. Her daddy’s big money. Fancy plastic surgeon or some shit.”

“You getting your pecker enlarged?” I chuckle.

“Fuck you. My dick’s plenty big enough. Just ask your Old Lady.”

“Watch it.” I take a hard drink of my beer. “On second thought, you want her? Bout’ sick of her shit.”

“Trouble in paradise?”

“More like the pits of hell. Started her same shit again. Took Ro to her Nan’s for the weekend.”

“She’ll be back in a day or two. I don’t know how you do it, man. One bitch since fuckin’ high school. You know any woman in here would be happy to oblige. Most of them take offense you won’t take them to your bed.”


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