be a place they could all get together to keep alive the brotherhood they had formed in the military. But soon they decided they wanted more for the club; they wanted to live close to each other. The Brothers decided they wanted a place to live, a safe haven, where they could build homes and raise their families without having to conform to society's standards. So, after the MC had been established for a couple years, the members researched where they could obtain the most land to build the compound they all dreamed about.

Once they found an area that had enough land where they could build a compound for all of them to live on, the Brothers set about buying all the conjoining land parcels they could get in the Elk community. It was understood among the Brothers that the land would be for the sole use of the club, and when the club needed one of the parcels, they would purchase it from the Brother who owned it.

From the time we were babies, Beth and I were always together. We took naps together, played together, ate together, hell, our moms even gave us baths together when we were toddlers. So, for me, Beth was just always there in my life. It wasn't until kindergarten that I realized she was my girl, maybe I had subconsciously known it before and just not thought about it. Damn, I was a child, not much more than a toddler really, when our first day of school changed how I looked at her forever. From that moment on, I never wavered on my feelings throughout the years.

“Do you remember when I finally realized you were mine, Beth? God it was so long ago, we were five, Beth. Five fucking years old. How any child that young knows what they want, I haven't a clue. Somehow you knew your entire life, I think. Yet, I was a little slower on the uptake, it took me a few years to catch up. I remember it like it was yesterday.”

“Tommy, wait on me outside the door. I need to go to the restroom before I go out to recess.”

“I'll be waiting for you, Bethie.”

I stood outside the door waiting on Bethie to come out so we could go play. I was watching some boys playing kickball and the ball came my way, so I ran to get it and throw it back to them. Then I heard Bethie's voice telling someone to leave her alone. I turned around and saw some boy trying to drag Bethie toward the swings. Her voice sounded scared and I knew I had to protect her. I ran back to her and pulled the boy's hand off her arm.

“Leave her alone and don't ever touch her again,” I told the boy. He was a little older than me, maybe in second grade. He was also a little bigger than me, but I couldn't let myself be scared. I had to protect Bethie no matter what the cost.

“Go away little boy,” the mean boy said.

“She's my girl. You leave her alone or else,” I muttered.

“She's your girl, huh? I don't think so. She's gonna be my girl. Nothing you can do to change that, little boy.”

I got so mad at what he said. He was trying to take Bethie from me, and she was my girl. Mine.

“No, she's my girl, mine,” I said as I threw a punch to his face. His nose started bleeding and he started shrieking and crying. I pushed him hard and he fell to the ground. I stood over him and spit out at him, “You ever touch her again and I'll hurt you worse. Leave my Bethie alone.”

I grabbed Bethie's hand in mine and we walked toward the slide.

“You okay, Bethie?”

“I am now. I was so scared, Tommy. He was hurting my arm. See, I have a red place on it.”

I rubbed my hand across the spot and thought about going back over and kicking that boy. He had hurt my girl.

“I'll never let anyone hurt you again, Bethie. You're my girl from now on.”

“I've always been your girl, Tommy, always.”

I had gotten into trouble for hurting the boy. The school called my parents and told them I couldn't go back to school for three days. All because I was protecting Bethie. I was worried what would happen when I got home. It was a long bus ride, for sure. When Bethie and I got off the bus, our dads and moms were waiting on us. Bethie reached out and intertwined her fingers with mine. I was so nervous. I was afraid I was gonna get a whooping for hurting the boy.

“Heard there was some trouble at school today, son,” my dad said to me. I'd always called my dad, Sarge, I guess that's because it's what I've heard most people call him.

“Yeah, Sarge. Some boy was hurting Bethie,” I replied.

“He hurt Bethie?”

“Yes, sir.”

Both our moms started looking at Bethie to see if she was hurt anywhere.

“See, Mama, I still have a red spot on my arm,” Bethie said as she showed the place on her arm.

Our moms frowned at seeing the spot and Bethie's mom Julie reached out and rubbed her fingers back and forth across the area. Both our dads growled. I think they were mad at seeing that red place.

“What happened, Tommy?” Gunny asked me.

“Bethie needed to go to the restroom before she came out for recess. I told her I would wait for her by the doors, but these boys kicked a ball and it came towards me and I ran to get it and throw it back to them. Next thing I know, Bethie is yelling at some boy to let her go. I turned around and ran to her and that boy. He had his hand holding Bethie's arm really hard.”

I gulped a little bit; I was so afraid I had let our dads down.

“Then I jerked the boy's hand off

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