didn’t expect you to be home yet.”

“That must mean you got everything deep fried with no vegetables in sight.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he followed close behind me.

“If you want vegetables you should have married a rabbit.” I tossed back at him as I made my way past the kitchen to the dining room. The binders hit the table with a thud. “There’s stuff in there for you too. Besides, chow mein has vegetables in it.”

“It doesn’t count as a vegetable if you only eat the noodles.” He set the bag on the counter and stalked towards me.

“I’d tell you to sue me, but I don’t need any more paperwork.”

“Long night ahead?” he asked, leaning on one of the dining room chairs.

“Yeah, and now that I’m home I’m thinking I should have stayed in the air conditioned office. It’s so hot in here.” I moved to open the sliding glass door and let a breeze in, but he blocked my path.

“Have you had a cigarette today?”

“What I do with my body is my business.” I rolled my eyes at his attempts to be paternal. He had no right to act the father figure being six years my junior.

His big, work callused hands encircled my waist as he pulled me to him; his mouth on mine, hot and insistent. Trevor’s scent, an intoxicating mix of the outdoors and pure masculinity wafted through me and I relented, allowing full access to my lips, tongue, and mouth. When I was nearly out of breath, he broke away, grinning. “Good girl, you taste much better this way.”

“I was just saving it until I got home,” I goaded him. He’d been on me to quit smoking since the moment we met. Quitting now would be like admitting defeat.

His fingers were rough as he drew up my dress, lifting me forcefully onto the dining room table. “What are you…” was all I got out before he stripped me of my pink panties. “Come on, it’s too hot to fool around,” I said, trying to close my legs.

Read on…

About Jenna

Jenna Allen is the original penname of Jenna Bayley-Burke , best-selling author of a dozen sexy contemporary romances. Why resurrect the old penname? It’s simple really, the Jenna Allen stories tease the line between erotica and romance, are told in first person, and delve into the intimacies of marriage. Most of my Jenna Bayley-Burke readers will love the decadent Jenna Allen stories, but not everyone likes their sexytimes edgy and kinky.

The flirty, sexy, fun of Jenna Bayley-Burke is well established and not going anywhere. (Check out the Under the Caribbean Sun series.) I hope to also tell as many Jenna Allen tales as people are willing to read. Always romantic, and with a happy ending. There can never be enough of those in the world.

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