some sauce on her chin, so he reached out and brushed it away with the pad of his thumb and licked it clean.

Alisha laid her palms on his chest and smoothed one up to brush over his jaw. "I'm going to starve if you keep up this seduction, Jake," she teased softly. He smirked back and handed over the carton of noodles. "Thank you."

Big shrugged and squeezed her knee playfully, making her giggle. "No sweat." He grabbed a beer from the fridge for them to share and also made himself a sandwich. (What? All that sex made him hungry.) After he inhaled that, he polished off the last of the noodles when she declared she couldn't eat another bite.

"Jake, you're going to make yourself sick," she said, bringing the beer to her lips. She took a sip then set it on the counter.

"M'good," he told her, mouth full again, reaching for the beer and draining the rest of it.

She rolled her eyes and laughed quietly, hooking her feet around his waist so she could pull him closer. His hands instantly sneaked under the hem of the shirt and splayed over her hips as he nipped softly at her lips. Sighing, she wrapped her arms around him and dropped her forehead to his. So far, this was the best night they'd ever had.

They stayed that way for a while, slowly trading kisses and smiles (or smirks), fingers gently skimming over exposed skin, enjoying the quiet sound of their breathing. His lips were on her ear when he finally broke the silence.

"You really blew me away tonight," he told her. "Your show. You're amazing, babe."

Alisha tipped her head back slightly so she could look at him. She couldn't keep the surprise out of her eyes or stop the happy smile that lit up her face. "You came to my show?" she asked in a voice much smaller than the smile she wore. He swallowed thickly and nodded, slipping his hands into her hair and brushing it out of her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Big lifted a shoulder carelessly and dropped his hands to her shoulders. "Dunno. Just wanted to see you perform. I realized that I'd only been to your show the once and I spent most of that night drooling over your legs." He cracked a grin, but he was only half kidding.

Why her heart chose that moment to completely flip over in her chest, she had no clue. She suspected it was because he was constantly surprising her in different ways. Just when she thought she had him pegged, he'd do something completely sweet (or something totally ridiculous) and she was back on her toes. But she found that she really enjoyed being on her toes and she was a little bit in awe over just how happy she was and how happy he made her.

Their relationship was still so new, but it was so, so good.

She had this smile on her face again, but it was one that he'd never seen before and her eyes were all warm and sparkly when she looked into his. He didn't have time to even entertain what that look could mean before she laid her lips over his and whispered take me to bed into his mouth.

And what kind of boyfriend would he be to argue that?

More by Mia Scott

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