my friend since the date. Interesting, considering I was slightly concerned about Archie’s motives. According to the others, anyway.

“I can’t see me with a vampire somehow, can you?”

Her sigh was audible down the phone. My palms started to sweat as I pushed my back straight and strode into the lobby. The night duty guard nodded in my direction as I forced myself to stay calm. He was used to seeing me leave late at night. Well, when I was working, anyway. Hopefully no one had told him to keep an eye out for me.

“No, I suppose not. It’s a shame, I want you to find someone wonderful.” Her thick Spanish accent made her sound all sultry, but her fierce vampire traits made her harsh to be around sometimes.

“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, waving at the guard as I pushed through the revolving door. “I know you do. However, the right man will come when it’s the right time and all that rubbish.”

As soon as my boots hit the concrete path, I let out my breath and quickly turned towards my home. It wasn’t too far from the building, so at least I wouldn’t have to trek for miles. My energy was much better, but it wasn’t quite fully restored.

Brianna’s snort made me smile. She was so dramatic, but I actually loved my friend. As the only friend I allowed into my life outside work.... Who was I kidding? I had no friends in work either ... she didn’t even know that I was an agent.

“If you believe that, chica, you believe that. Sometimes we need to give love a little nudge.”

A sudden tingling at the back of my neck make my footsteps slow. I’d been rushing, trying to get away from the MI5 building, just in case they tried to force me to go back. However, as I rounded into the next street, I got a deep gut feeling that someone was following me.

“I have to go,” I breathed into the phone. “I’ll call you later.”

Hanging up, I ignored the guilt that flashed through me every time I lied to my friend. I wouldn’t call her later. It would take me days to check in with her again. Although, Dave had assured me that he’d put surveillance on her house to keep her safe.

My senses went into overdrive as I looked up the street and then behind me. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I kept my stance ready, but my strides long. I had to get home.

“You’re lucky to be alive,” a masculine voice called.

Spinning, I searched the area, trying to find the source of the voice. My gaze ran over houses, front doors, pathways, but none revealed the man who had been following me.

“Who are you?” I called, my confidence low.

If I had my memories, I’d know what the serial killer’s voice sounded like. I would be able to make sure that I was ready for his onslaught, although, I would be pushing it. My magic had slowly returned, but using it would be risky considering how much I needed to get well again.

A chuckle echoed around the empty street. The darkness grew heavier as goose bumps popped up all over my skin. I’d never felt so vulnerable in my life. Usually, I could outwit anyone. I could fight them, take them down, before they’d even blinked.

“I know I keep my identity well, but you’ve surely got some inkling?”

Where was he? Searching around me more urgently as the voice moved, I reached into my holster and pulled out my gun. My dagger was in its pocket too, but my physical prowess was a challenge right now. I would have to try to shoot the bugger. It must be the serial killer.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I went still. Feeling into the ley line, I pulled gently, my heartbeat decreasing very slightly when magic rushed into me. It was the first time it had come so freely since I’d awoken.

“Ignoring me won’t make me go away. I can feel every time you access the line’s magic. I drained it from you, are you not afraid of me?” The voice suddenly cleared, coming from directly behind me.

Swiping my arm back, I grunted when my elbow went straight into something. He laughed at the same time as he groaned. Spinning, I used the butt of my gun to smash into his jaw. Well, the demon mask jaw.

The others had shown me pictures of the mask, but even though he still wore one, I didn’t recognise it. Shit, I really had lost my memory. I was literally moving on instinct.

“I’m not afraid of you,” I pushed through my teeth as he circled away.

My lungs strained as I tried to get my breath under control. He hadn’t tried to retaliate in a physical fight. Why was that?

As he stood in front of me, he laughed loudly, throwing his head back. “I love playing games with you. It’s so much fun.”

“You want me dead. So, why not end me now?”

If I was honest with myself, he would be able to take me down. I couldn’t deny that he was much stronger than me in that moment. My weakness was a curse that I had never believed I’d endure. No wonder Kate had always encouraged me to train in combat.

“I cannot end you quite yet. Things have to be in perfect alignment, my sweet Essex witch.”

Clenching my fists, I ran for him. He didn’t move, allowing me to gain on him. Shouting a freezing spell, I forced all my magic into it. His black steel-capped boots instantly covered in ice, spreading out to the surrounding concrete, affectively trapping him.

Propelling myself forward, I threw my fist into his cheek. His head snapped back, the demon mask flying half off his face. Reaching for it, I screamed when he caught my wrist and twisted. My other fist ploughed into his ribs, the metal of the gun clenched between my fingers making something crack. His

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