son had been diagnosed with a rare medical ailment. He was in need of specialized medical treatment. It was a treatment that Netta could only find from a select group of doctors in Baltimore.

Netta held out the hope that her son would receive the life saving treatment that he so desperately needed. She held out hope, because hope is all she had. However, only God’s mercy and modern medicine could save the boy; the thought of which had stricken Netta with grief. She felt like she was losing everything she was trying so desperately to keep.

Maybe I deserve to pay for the things I’ve done in the past, but my son doesn’t, she thought. I have to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen.

She couldn’t understand why all this was happening to her now. After all she had gone through. Netta wasn’t the person she used to be. She had evolved so much over the years since she had left Baltimore unceremoniously. She had carved out a better life for herself and her son in Atlanta. She was now a hard working single mother, and she was proud of that. She had once been a money hungry gold digger. Netta wished she could erase parts of her past. She wished she could change some things. But to change one thing might mean to change everything. Right now, she liked the person she was and the woman she had become.

Netta was sure that once she arrived back in Baltimore she would see reminders of the fateful day that forced her exodus. She couldn’t avoid that if she tried. She wasn’t immune to it. Netta knew once she arrived back in Baltimore, she had to be very careful not to alert the streets to her presence. Lives had been lost over her and because of her. The act of murder was a very perilous thing. There were still people alive who loved the deceased; she knew they wouldn’t forgive or forget her and they might seek retribution.

That proposition didn’t stop Netta from returning home. Things were what they were. Not what she wanted them to be.

As the taxicab began slowing down, signaling their arrival at her terminal, Netta placed her head in her hands and took some deep breaths. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer to God that none of the drama that she was previously involved in returned to haunt her.


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Kingston Imperial

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Kathy Iandoli — Editorial Director

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