your all. Communicate. Invest your heart this time. Focus not on what you can’t have but what you can.”

She’s quiet for such a long time, I’m worried she’s pissed. “You’re probably right. I never meant to hurt you.”

“I know.”

“And I’m sorry.”

“I know.” Just like I know this will be one of the last conversations we ever have. It’s sad…but that’s life. We’ve both moved on.

“You going to stay in Maui?”

“Probably. I’m looking into opening a shooting range here. I’ve found a good location. All I have to do is sign the lease.” And come up with the money to start a new business. Right now, that’s a tall order. I’m flat broke.

“Where are you going to live?”

“Once the house sells, I can buy a condo on the island or something.”

“You staying with Joe?” she asks about my buddy Camden’s dad.

“At his place. He’s away on business now.” But he’s due back tomorrow night, so I need to find somewhere else to crash ASAP that won’t cost me a fortune. His studio apartment isn’t big enough for both of us. “The good news is, I’ve met a few of his fishing buddies and found some good restaurants. I’m enjoying the island. It’s a start.”

“Good luck. I hope you find the right someone to spend your life with. I hope she can give you children because I know you want them. And I hope you’re deliriously happy. As far as husbands go, you were mostly decent.”

From Ellie, that’s high praise, but I’m done with marriage, wanting kids, and the illusion of happily ever after. “Thanks. Good luck, El.”

Three beeps tell me she’s gone, probably for good.

It seems odd that what started during a chilly fall night is now ending on a warm spring dawn. Maybe that timing ought to tell me something…

With a sigh, I rise. Since I’m up now, I’ll go ahead and grab a shower.

Three minutes later, I’m toweling off and padding back to my duffel for some clothes. It’s too early on a Sunday to be looking for work, so I might as well go fishing. Once I’ve tossed on some shorts and a tank, I drag Joe’s fishing gear from the corner and search for my shoes.

My phone rings again, the run-of-the-mill ringtone. I almost brush it off, but a glance at the display tells me it’s someone I actually want to talk to. “Hey, Trace. Good to hear from you. Looking for a fishing buddy this morning?”

“I wish. I have a prospective client who wants to meet you, like, now.”

The gravity in his voice tells me he’s got a situation and it’s serious. I shove the fishing gear back in the corner. “What’s up?”

“I’m calling on behalf of a family friend. Amanda is twenty-six. Single mother to a boy about to turn one. The father of her baby is…notorious.”

Interesting choice of words. “Sounds like you’re putting it nicely. Is she worried he’s coming back for her?”

“No, thank God. He’s not violent; he’s dead. But his enemies are after her.”

So they can’t accept that the cause of their anger is gone and chose instead to take it out on a woman? This is why people annoy me.

“I’m happy to do what I can. But I have to be honest. I haven’t done any bodyguarding in a while.”

“And I know you’re just getting settled on the island. I wouldn’t ask…but I don’t know anyone else with your skill set. I’m sure they’re out there, but they’d be a stranger I don’t know if I can trust. These scumbags are threatening her kid’s life, too. Could you protect them?”

I can’t do it for long since I need to find a steady job. I’m also not sure where I can take them that’s safe. But I’ll figure it out. I can’t let this woman and her kid live in fear. And will they live at all if I don’t intervene? “For a few days. While I’m finding her someone more competent. I’ll teach her a bit of self-defense, too.”

Once I’m gone, it might keep her safe.

“Perfect. Thanks, man. I owe you.”

“No problem. Where is she now?”

“I’m going to give you her half-sister’s address. She’s been staying there, but obviously she can’t anymore. Nia is thirty weeks pregnant and—”

“Say no more. If you can help me figure out a place to hide Amanda, I’ll take it from there.”

“I’ll ask around and see if I can have something worked out shortly. Just get over here as soon as you can. I don’t feel right leaving Amanda and her son alone here with Nia, but my son is with a…friend, so I need to get home.”

My guess? The friend is more than a friend. Who but a lover would be at his place at five a.m.? But Trace having female company hardly surprises me. His older brother, Noah Weston, the former pro quarterback, is well known for scoring on the field. Trace has a reputation for scoring off of it.

He’s put some effort into his sex life. You might try that, dude, before your penis forgets why it exists.

Telling the voice in my head to shut the hell up, I grab my shades, my Glock, and the keys to Joe’s classic red Mustang. He told me if I could fix it, I could drive it while he was gone. A few hours and a few parts later, I had her purring like a kitten.

GPS and Nirvana guide me to an address on the western side of the island. It’s a multi-million dollar house situated right on the ocean. As I pull up, the place is ablaze with lights. I let loose a low whistle. Amanda’s half-sister, whoever she is, lives in paradise.

Out front, I see Trace talking to an attractive brunette. As I step from the car, he waves. “Hey, Tanner.”

“How you doing?” I lock the Mustang, then greet him with a handshake and a shoulder bump.

“Okay. Thanks for coming so early and on such short notice.”

“No problem. I’m not okay with a mob

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