whose notes gave me the inspiration for so many new scenes. And thank you, Alexandra Hightower, for seeing me through line edits and beyond, plus helping ensure readers are introduced to Ana in a way that is respectful to real-life nonbinary kids.

Thank you, Ellen Shi, for creating a gorgeous cover that gives readers the first glimpse of Ana’s world. Thanks to Angelie Yap and Karina Granda for the beautiful cover design; to production mavens Marisa Finkelstein and Olivia Davis; copy editor Sarah Van Bonn; school and library marketing specialist Michelle Campbell; marketing superstars Stefanie Hoffman, Mara Brashem, and Savannah Kennelly; publicist Katharine McAnarney; associate publisher Jackie Engel; publisher Megan Tingley; and the rest of the Little, Brown Books for Young Readers team who had a hand in bringing Ana’s story to readers.

Before a skater starts working with a coach and choreographer, they often take lessons in a skate-school program, just like Hayden. I developed my first inkling of an idea for this story in the Children’s Book Academy Middle Grade Mastery class. Its founder, Mira Reisberg, made my attendance possible thanks to a diversity scholarship.

Thank you to my CBA classmates who provided early feedback, especially L. D. Arwood, Chris Ann Derby, Vicki Hammond, Claudette Hoffmann, Eunice Kim Dove, Ismaïla Mokadem, Samantha San Miguel, Sharon J. Wilson, and M. O. Yuksel.

A skating program is only jumps, spins, and fancy steps without lots of practice to get it ready for the big event. Likewise, writing a novel involves considering others’ feedback and tweaking accordingly. For that, #WriteMentor came along exactly when I needed it. Founder Stuart White created a stellar mentorship program, and my mentor, Caroline Murphy, provided invaluable guidance. Thank you, both, as well as to the #WM community as a whole.

A skater needs camaraderie during long hours of training, and the same goes for writers. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than Kathleen Nelson. Your feedback is always on point, but what I truly value is our shared love of kidlit.

Same goes for you, Nicole Melleby. I’m so glad to know another author as excited about queer representation in children’s literature as I am. Thanks for being a big authorly sibling to me (even though I’m technically older—funny how that works).

Thank you, Liz Edelbrock, Rebecca Gibson, Sabrina Kleckner, and Rebecca Petruck, who all offered feedback during summer 2018.

Thanks, Melony Breeze, Mary Chadd, April Holm, Mallory Lass, Taj McCoy, John Pacheco, Sandra Proudman, and Ethan Weisinger, for the support and friendship.

An extra special thanks to Joy Ding, without whom Ana’s “Breathe In” prologue would not be a thing. I’m lucky to call you my friend for so many reasons.

Thanks to the skating community that supported me on my own athletic journey. This includes coaches Lorie Charbonneau, Sarah France, Karin Freund, Suzy Jackson, Chris Kinser, Ari Lieb, and Jayne Throckmorton, as well as practice pals Kaitlyn Landes, Keith Newcombe, and Whitney Westbrook. Much love to all adult skaters, especially those I met at the 7K and SQSA camps. Kudos as well to my synchronized skating team, IceSymmetrics.

My parents, Vicky and David Sass, encouraged me to explore my passions fully. My love of music comes from them, as does my work ethic. I am convinced I wouldn’t be a writer now if you hadn’t read to me every night as a child, Mom. And to this day, Dad, your musical talent spurs me to achieve more with my writing. A shout-out to my brother, Michael, and his family, as well. Michael, your early support gave me the courage to be myself around others.

Lastly, thank you, Deven Cao. I’ve been saying I would become an author since the day we met, and you never doubted me, even though it took years to fulfill that promise. Thanks for your endless support and quirky sense of humor. Life with you has been the best adventure.

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers began publishing books in 1926.

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(he/they) is a writer, editor, and competitive skater. A longtime figure skater, he has passed his US Figure Skating Senior Moves in the Field and Free Skate tests, medaled twice at the US Synchronized Skating Championships, and currently dabbles in ice dance. When he’s not exploring the world as much as possible, A. J. lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his boyfriend and two cats who act like dogs. Ana on the Edge is his first novel. He invites you to visit him online at sassinsf.com.

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