snapped out of her fugue state and smiled, thanked her aunt, took her champagne glass from her hand, and replaced it with a full one. Smiling and nodding, though she could not hear anything else Betsy was saying, she turned around to find others who needed refills. There he was, only about ten feet away now, and blatantly staring at her. GiGi let herself pause. She let him look. She stared back. But only for a moment.

She told herself the thrill she felt was only because he was a fascinating, aggravating, enviable character. A charmer. A larger-than-life character. But that’s it. There’s no there, there. Now smile, nod, and be on your way, GiGi.

But there was something there. She couldn’t look away, not for a few beats. He had something oddly familiar in his eyes. Of course, he was familiar; you couldn’t avoid his face on social media or on TV even if you tried. But the familiarity went deeper, and she knew it. He was looking at her like he knew her, like he was confused by her, like she was a puzzle he was trying to piece together. And like she was a pork shoulder he wanted to sink his teeth into.

If GiGi was not mistaken, this world-traveling slab of too-perfect manhood was undressing her with his eyes. Her. GiGi.

Well, forget that. No way was she going to end up being one of his nightly conquests.

She raised her chin in defiance and veered away from him.

Over the next fifteen minutes, his eyes followed GiGi everywhere she went. Every time she caught him looking, his piercing blue eyes seemed to become more and more intense. Even when someone else was fawning over him, trying to keep his attention, his eyes were on her. The panther inside her felt like a cat with its claws lodged in a screen door. She was stuck at this party; meanwhile, a seeming predator was after her.

GiGi worked, smiled, did her job, all the while trying to tame the panicking feline inside of her. It didn’t approve of the primal energy that the celebrity chef was sending in her direction. Her long-dormant nether regions were waking up under all this unwelcome attention.

It’s not about sex. He probably smells bacon on you; everyone who watches TV knows how much the man loves bacon.

As time passed and this strange behavior of his continued, she felt herself blushing, and despite her feelings about the idea of this man, felt herself becoming aroused.

“Aroused” was putting it mildly. Just being in the same room with a stare like that, she was afraid her panties were about to become sentient and remove themselves on their own.

Come on, GiGi, don’t be an idiot. He’s not staring at you. He’s probably hungry and staring at this platter of appetizers you’re holding.

She might not like the guy’s TV persona, but GiGi never turned away any creature who was hungry. Maybe she could just, like, offer him some food and see if that made his unsettling staring diminish any.

Sure, that had to be it. He was just hungry. Food almost always improved the way people behaved. Feed the beast, and he won’t take up any more real estate in your head.

Chapter Five


Whatever Ash and Rosemary were chattering about, Vann didn’t care.

Well, he cared insomuch as Ash was his friend. And he cared that he was here to help his pack family celebrate Ash’s engagement.

What he didn’t care about was whatever Rosemary was saying about her father not bothering to show up, and something about a weird vibe between Rosemary and his other packmate, Pen.

He didn’t care about drama. Vann only wanted everyone to stop talking so he could talk to GiGi alone.

As it was, he could barely get her to look him straight in the eye, even as she stood there, looking adorably awkward amid this four-way conversation with Vann, Rosemary, and Ash. Vann knew that look. He’d been there. As a chef, he’d enjoyed ruling the kitchen. Despite being the star on his own show, he didn’t enjoy the limelight. GiGi had the look of someone who would rather be doing her job … or doing her job as a way to get away from Vann. Which made her all the more appealing to the wolf at that moment.

The subject turned to wedding catering, then, and Vann’s ears perked up. Of course, they needed to discuss the food. Vann had hastily agreed to cater the nuptials as part of his gift to the happy couple.

“GiGi is my dearest cousin and one of my oldest friends. She’s going to be doing the cakes and all the catering for the wedding. I see you’re enjoying her food already,” Rosemary commented, her hand on GiGi’s arm, firmly keeping GiGi from bolting away.

Ash blanched and clarified, “Um, baby, I apologize. In my haste, I accepted Vann’s offer to have his people do the food. I feel like a complete idiot.”

Vann could see that GiGi would not allow her face to show the hurt she felt. He could smell it on her, and he cursed his heightened beastly senses for intruding on her. He was no mind reader, but sometimes it felt like that. When someone had their feelings hurt, or anger triggered, or past trauma brought up, the chemicals people released into the air gave everything away.

He stared down at GiGi with empathy as she did her best to be diplomatic. “Oh, well, surely we can come to some kind of compromise that will make everyone happy,” GiGi said.

She’s right, this is simple, Vann thought. Thinking he’d come up with the perfect solution, he offered, “GiGi, why don’t you take the job? You need it more than I do.”

GiGi looked stung by his words, and he realized what that sounded like. He should have thought that through. How would he feel if someone had said that to him a few years ago, when he was struggling to make it in the business? Offended and patronized. “That

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