very much the kind of woman who knew what she wanted and what she wanted. I had been there more or less for the ride.

Lately, though, I've found myself wanting to fuck again. It's hard for me, probably for many of us, to be so close to the females and be told no, that they're off-limits. We aren't meant to go through life alone, the Novans. We're meant to find our other halves, and we find that connection through fucking. Fucking leads to love. We don't know of another way.

Scratching an itch. I overheard some of the male doctors from Earth talk about that one day. I’m not even sure why they came over here in the first place, but it had been easy enough to figure out what they had been talking about. Shawnta had scratched my itch once. I needed it scratched again.

As far as I can tell, the other guards are stronger than I am. They don’t seem to be too concerned with being so ovian close to females we aren’t to touch. I don’t know how they do it, and honestly, I don’t want to know. I got away with it once, so I have no reason to think it won’t happen again.

As I head toward Shawnta’s door, Rek heads my way. He’s another guard.

I give him a curt nod and move to keep on walking, but he stops.

“It’s a great job we have, don’t we?” he asks.

I stare at him and blink a few times. “Great,” I echo, wondering why he’s stopping me.

“Did you hear the news?”

“What news?”

“The captain might be coming by. I guess they want to try to make sure we all keep in line, and by us, I mean the breeders. They aren’t exactly pulling their weight, you know.”

“You mean by not impregnating enough females?” I ask, crossing my arms.

Rek nods. “I think only one breeder has. Isn’t that pathetic? It’s an ovian shame that only the breeders can have them, but I guess they’re tested for their sperm count or something. They’re all ovian bastards, if you ask me.”

“You haven’t seen any signs of abuse or rape, have you?” I ask sharply.

“No, no. None of that. The females know why they’re here.”

"Yes," I mumble, "but not all of them volunteered. Those who didn't might not be as… ah… eager as those who did volunteer."

"You're talking about the lottery ones." Rek grimaces and rubs the back of his neck. "I guess you might be right. The ones who didn't actively choose to be here might not want to. I haven't heard any complaints from the females. Have you?"

“No.” I hesitate. “Maybe we should find out which ones are lottery ones.”

“And make sure they’re happy?”

“Of course.”

“I can make them happy.” Rek laughs.

I glower at him and then hate myself for it. “We’re to make sure that the breeders aren’t forcing them to do anything they don’t want to. Just because they’re here for a reason doesn’t mean that they want to.”

Rek holds up his hands. “I get it. I understand. I was just joking. Ovian. I like my dick attached. You aren’t allowed to bite it off.”

I clang my teeth together. It’s meant as a joke, but Rek takes a step back, and I laugh. “I’m not going to bite your dick off or anything else. If there’s a reason why the breeders aren’t making the females pregnant, that’s on the breeders, not us. We’re here more for the females than anything else. If they want anything, they get it.”

“I know that,” Rek says sourly. “I’ve been a guard since the first shipment came over.”

“Yes, well…” I shrug one shoulder and shake my head, hating that my thoughts keep turning to if they want anything, they get it and changing it in my mind to if they want anyone, they get it.

I shouldn’t be like this. I’m more than just my cock, but at the moment, it’s all I can think about. Well, my cock in a wet pussy. I squirm, needing to readjust but not wanting to do that in front of Rek and also afraid that if I touch myself, I’ll grow hard. What if Shawnta’s busy? I don’t want to have to flamindulis. Not now. Never again, if I’m being honest.

Ovian! I really shouldn’t be like this! I have a job to do, a job the overlord assigned to me, a job he trusts me to perform to the best of my abilities. What good am I to the Novans if I can’t do what I’m assigned to do?

But I am doing it. I just want more. Is that so wrong?

Yes. The overlord is our leader, and what he says goes. He’s the reason why we survived this long, why we’re alive and the Grots are the ones dead and extinct. The overlord is doing everything he can to prevent us from becoming extinct too. The breeders are the ones the females are supposed to become impregnated by.

It boils my blood, though, that I was passed over as a breeder. A lot of the Novans had to give a sample of ejaculate to be tested, but not all of us, and not me. Why not me? Why wasn’t I even considered to become a breeder? Because I know for a fact that every breeder had to submit a sample but not all those who submitted one became a breeder. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, most of the ones not a breeder are guards like me.

Rek sighs. "I don't know. Sometimes, I feel bad for the females. They're far from home. They don't get out much. They just get to be fucked all day."

“They’re supposed to orgasm,” I remind him. “I don’t think orgasming all day long, all night long is that terrible of a day and night.”

“No, but still. I would want something more, I think.”

I cock an eyebrow and tilt my head, eyeing him curiously. “You mean to tell me that being a breeder wouldn’t be enough for

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