matter what I’d been through… this was still hard. I stopped to pull a tissue out of my pocket and blew my nose. I stuffed the tissue away and tried to calm down. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I closed my eyes and pushed the tears away.

A bark sounded behind me. My breath caught, and I whipped around. A flash of black and tan darted toward me. He’d come. As he bounded my way, I knelt on one knee to catch him in my arms. He licked my face and whined. His woof caught me off guard. Why you leave?

“I’m sorry, but I thought you wanted to stay with Austin.”

Stay you. You mine.

“You’re mine too.” Tears ran down my face, but this time they were happy tears. “I promise I’ll never leave you again.”

Don’t cry. I here. I here.

“I know. I’m so glad you came.”

You mine.

“Yes.” My phone rang, and I dug it out of my pocket. “Hello?”

“Shelby, it’s Austin. Is Coco with you? He just ran off, and I couldn’t stop him.”

“Yeah. I’ve got him. He’s with me.”

He sighed. “Okay… good. I guess that means he picked you.”

“Yes. I think it does.”

“Take good care of him.”

“I will.”

I tucked my phone away and gave Coco another rub and kiss on the nose. In the excitement, I’d dropped his leash, so I leaned down to pick it up and fastened it to his collar. “You ready to go home?”

Home. You.

“That’s right.”


I wiped my eyes, and we started off, Coco beside me and my heart full. He’d chosen me, and I’d promised to take care of him. Of course, he’d helped me more than I could say in the short time he'd been in my life, and I vowed that, no matter what the future held, we’d face it together.

The last few weeks had challenged me, but a lot of good had happened as well. A ghost had helped me put a killer away. Misti and Austin had been reunited. A psychic was out of my hair, and, best of all, I didn’t have to worry about being Uncle Joey’s successor. There was plenty of work to do, but I had a great family, a faithful dog, and special friends to depend on.

Sure, I got into some crazy stuff that I couldn’t always explain, but that’s what made life interesting. Maybe that’s what Bob Spicer meant when he talked about keeping a barf journal.

I’d learned that it’s important to acknowledge that a lot of things are upsetting and out of my control, but it’s just as important to let them go, so they can't hurt me anymore.

I’d also learned that it’s equally essential to focus on the positive side of things. So… even after everything I’d gone through lately, I needed to remember that I had a good life. Full of ups and downs, scary earthquakes, and wet doggy kisses. But in the end, my life was awesome, and from now on, I’d do my best to appreciate every last minute of it.

Thank you for reading Dying Wishes: A Shelby Nichols Adventure. I am currently hard at work on Shelby’s next adventure and promise to do my best for another thrilling ride!

If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. It’s a great way to thank an author and keep her writing! Dying Wishes is also available in paperback and Audible!

Want to know more about Ramos?

Devil in a Black Suit

A book about Ramos and his mysterious past from his point of view is available on Amazonand Audible!


A Midsummer Night's Murder: A Shelby Nichols Novella

Is available for just .99 onAmazon! Get your copy today! Also available on Audible!


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As the author of the Shelby Nichols Adventure Series, Colleen is often asked if Shelby Nichols is her alter-ego. “Definitely,” she says. “Shelby is the epitome of everything I wish I dared to be.” Known for her laugh since she was a kid, Colleen has always tried to find the humor in every situation and continues to enjoy writing about Shelby’s adventures. “I love getting Shelby into trouble… I just don’t always know how to get her out of it!” Besides writing, she loves a good book, biking, hiking, and playing board and card games with family and friends. She loves to connect with readers and admits that fans of the series keep her writing.

Connect with Colleen

Colleen Helme Author | Shelby Nichols Consulting | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Amazon Author Page | You Tube | Amazon Series Page

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