where Gren lay beneath his colourful halo. A flit of something – melancholy? – crossed his smooth, carved features. Blake straightened, fighting to recall where else she’d seen that exact expression.

‘And Perry?’ she said.

‘He’s kept alive only by those machines.’ Cym returned his focus to the room. ‘But I’ve been instructed to continue the life support. The captain hopes to gain further knowledge of what assailed the man. But that enquiry has – how do you say it? Taken a back seat?’ He offered her a hesitant smile.

And it dawned on her – where she’d seen that look he’d given Gren. It had been on Eron’s face when he’d seen Kira in the level eleven chamber that day she’d called them both to view Azrael. Blake bit the inside of her cheek. Was there no one but her in this forsaken place who was not absorbed in a ridiculous affair?

‘Are they here, Cym?’ Blake did not return the smile. ‘I need to know.’ She stopped herself from saying it was the least he could do. He may have assisted her with controlling the toxin in her blood, but he was also the one who’d made it possible for Tamas to carve the truth out of her with the serum. Every bitter inch of her terrible truth. ‘Did they find Kira?’


Hey Reader,

Just what has Blake gotten Kira into? And what the hell did Tamas bring into our world?

Answers are coming, and they are nowhere near as pretty as Az.

Let the wild ride continue.

Grab Metal Angels - Part Two, now!

D K Girl



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