himself once more. Releasing my wrists he moves his hands over mine, lacing his fingers with my own as he holds them in his over the bed. A way for him to still feel the control he needs while not being overly assertive.

Dropping his forehead to mine he continues to thrust his hardened length inside of me. My anticipation of the pressure building inside of me once again. He keeps up his pace and friction as I feel myself start to edge closer to another release. “I love you and you will always be mine.” His deep voice rumbles out as his breath fans over my skin.

His words and thickness in his voice is the tipping point that pushes my body over the edge. It begins with an overwhelming feeling of tingles running through my body like a live wire. I begin to feel lightheaded as waves of pleasure shake my core as my heart constricts with my body at his words. Grinding against me faster as I ride out the waves of my orgasm he too finds release as his body tenses and tightens his grip on my fingers as he pushes into me.

By the time we are both done, I feel an instant lightness to my body as my head is still up in the clouds. He collapses down on me as I place a light kiss to his cheek. “I love you too Nico.”

Lifting his head to look at me his eyes light up as he fights a childish grin from forming on his lips. We lay together, in each other's arms for a while before I finally sat up looking around remembering where we are, and realizing we have already taken off.

“Where are we going?” I finally ask him, my curiosity burning at me once again.

Moving his hands casually behind his head as he stares up at me. “Italy.” His voice is nonchalant and even, like it's a common place to be going.

“Italy?” My shock became apparent as my voice raised a pitch. “What are we going to Italy for?”

Pushing up beside me he props himself up on his elbow wrapping me in his other arm as he swoops it around my waist pulling me to him.

“I believe we have a honeymoon that is long overdue Mrs. Black.”

I grin as a girly squeal escapes me before I barrel into him knocking him down to his back. “Really?” He laughs a real deep throaty laugh at my eagerness and excitement. I place a sloppy kiss to his lips before pulling back once again.

“I love you Nico, every bit of you, even the darkness you harbor, it no longer frightens me and I will never doubt your love for me again. When we met I didn’t know I needed you, didn’t know you would save me from my life, but I do. I need you, every part of you.”

Shaking his head at my words. “No Liliana, you saved me. You might be my sweetest sin, but you are also my saving grace. I am the one who needs you in my life, without you I would lose myself. You are the light in my darkness and I will never let you go now that you are mine. Not even death will be able to pull us apart.” Pulling my face back to his he seals his words with a kiss binding us together.


I wanted to thank three lovely ladies who helped me to feel confident enough to continue and finish the book. Shanelle Kelsch, Cassie Torres, Heather Berlin! Thank you for reading along with me and enduring change after change. Reading it multiple times and my constant nagging of “have you read the new parts I did last night?” basically every single day. I appreciate your motivation that helped drive me to keep going and not give up thinking it was just a silly idea. I love you all and hope you know how important you were to this.

An additional thank you goes to Cassie for helping me go through and catch mistakes over and over, till I’m sure your eyes were blurry.

I also want to note a special thanks to Shanelle, who was the one person I wanted and felt comfortable enough to show my first few chapters to. If it weren’t for you no one else would have the chance to see it.

About The Author

Daniella Kunz

As a new author of romance novels and a working mom I run off late nights and caffeine, in the form of coffee. Lots of coffee. I love to get absorbed in reading and one day decided to write my own. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy spending time with my babies and watching anime with my husband.

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