out my hand. “Welcome,” he replied as his palm slid against mine.

“Hands to yourself, brother.” The gorgeous man who barked that order seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Even if he hadn’t called Kieran his brother, I would’ve guessed they were related because of their similarities. Except to me, the newcomer was much more handsome. His bright blue eyes were the same striking color as his brother’s, but his hair was a lighter brown, his skin a touch less pale, and his shoulders were broader on his tall frame. There was an air about him beyond his good looks that I found compelling.

Since I was certain we’d never met before, I didn’t understand the stunned recognition in his eyes. But something in my soul seemed to click—as though I had been waiting my whole life for him. The feeling was scary and exciting all at the same time.

Kieran dropped my hand, and I snatched it back, worried by the wild expression on his brother’s face. Needing a little space between us, I took a step back, but his brother quickly closed the gap I’d made and then some. Before I had the chance to move farther back, he reached for my left hand. As soon as our palms came into contact with each other, I felt electrified. It was almost as though I’d touched a live wire as adrenaline coursed through my system, energizing me. I’d never experienced anything like it before.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kieran hold Thana back when she tried to step forward. He seemed clued in on something neither of us were, but I didn’t have much time to ponder what exactly that could be. My focus zeroed in on his brother as he lifted my arm and brought my wrist up to his nose and inhaled deeply. I should’ve been creeped out by the whole thing, but seeing his nostrils flare at my scent thrilled something inside me. Then my gaze was drawn to the dainty ring on his pinkie; the brilliant amethyst twinkling in the light was a perfect match to my purple eyes.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the stunning ring belonged to the woman in his life. The possibility he was committed to someone else dampened the rush I’d felt when we touched, and it disappeared completely when he muttered, “Mine,” right before he scraped his tooth—which oddly looked like a vampire fang you’d see in a horror movie—over my pulse point and then licked up the droplets of blood that beaded on my skin.

My heart hammered in my chest as I yanked my hand out of his grasp with a sharp tug. “What?” I gasped, my head reeling in shock over the fact that he’d cut me with his tooth and then tasted my blood—and my absurd reaction to it. I frantically wondered if someone had spiked my punch earlier. It was the only reasonable explanation I could come up with for what was happening. “Did you just…? What are you…?”

Instead of answering, he made a grab for me and growled, “Mine.”

My fight or flight response kicked in, and I lifted my skirts to whirl around and take off running. I didn’t have a destination in mind. My only thought was to get away from Kieran’s brother—even though my heart defied logic in its yearning to run straight into his arms.



I stared at Kieran, barely sane enough to hold back from killing him. Desire boiled my blood and had turned my flaccid dick into a rod of steel. The need for my woman consumed me, and the second she ran, I felt like a wild animal on the hunt.

Earlier, I’d been lounging against a wall, nursing a cup of bagged blood...that looked a lot like the punch being served. This was so any humans in attendance wouldn’t flip their shit at all of the vampires drinking blood.

I was trying to relax because I’d been filled with a restless energy all evening. I’d scanned the ballroom, looking for something to explain the odd feelings I’d been experiencing. It was as though a faint electric current in the room rippled over my skin. Even more strange, the ring on my pinky had heated—not to the point where it was painful, but enough to get my attention.

A commotion in the crowd signified my brother and his consort had arrived. Kieran was one lucky son of a bitch, having finally found his mate after nearly a millennium. I was a little envious, but I was also ecstatic for him. Not to mention Stephan, my younger brother, and I adored Thana.

I’d begun to walk toward the happy couple when Thana squealed and went running. A young woman with flowing brown hair streaked with a million different shades of blond met her halfway, and they hugged tightly. My senses had gone on high alert the moment I’d spotted the beauty in the amethyst dress. It had a large skirt, but the material had plastered to her body as she’d run. She was gorgeous and had a willowy build with curves in all the right places. My body had buzzed with awareness—not from arousal since I wouldn’t experience desire until I found my consort—but more like it knew something was coming. And that this woman was somehow at the crux of whatever was happening to me.

My feet had picked up their pace, and as I got closer, I had a better view of her face. Pink lips that belonged wrapped around a man’s cock, high cheekbones, a straight nose, and almond-shaped eyes boasting the most incredible shade of violet. They were...fuck. They were an exact match to the shade of the purple stone I wore.

I had nearly reached the trio when she slipped her hand into my brother’s, and possession had slammed into me so hard it knocked me backward. So I’d quickly teleported over to them and snapped at my brother to keep his hands to himself.

One of the reasons that

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