towards the edge of the thick forest and stopped far enough away to listen for signs of zeds moving in the area. After a few minutes of hearing only birds chirping they decided it was safe to move forward and water the trees. When they finished, they walked back to the car and stood there in silence. The birds' songs and the soft winter breeze was relaxing so they continued standing there with their eyes closed, enjoying the moment of peace.

“You hear that?” Johnny asked as his eyes snapped open.

“I don’t hear anything.” Roosevelt replied as he looked around the area.

“Exactly. The birds stopped singing.” Johnny added as he stared out into the thick forest, looking for any kind of movement.

“Maybe they were just tired of singing.” Roosevelt said, annoyed that the peaceful moment had passed so fast. He started to say something else when a massive roar loud enough to make the two men flinch and hold their ears filled the air. Something crashed through the forest coming right for them as they jumped in the truck. Roosevelt slammed it in gear and stomped down on the pedal speeding out of the rest areas exit road. Johnny watched the edge of the forest as the trees flew by and spotted something huge smashing through trees and underbrush as it kept pace with the truck.

“How fast are you going?” Johnny asked in a panicked voice.

“Thirty-five. I go any faster, we'll never make the turn out of here!” Roosevelt said, guiding the truck back toward the highway. Johnny watched the thing for a long minute as it continued to keep pace.

“You seeing this?” Johnny asked, his panic rising. Roosevelt glanced over and spotted the silhouette of the enormous beast as it continued. The thing was deep enough in the trees that they couldn’t make out any of its features.

“That's the same damn roar we heard back in Sweetwater!” Roosevelt said when it finally dawned on him.

“Oh, shit! Rosie, Drive! Drive! Drive! It’s coming right for us!” Johnny screamed when he started seeing the thing clearer and clearer through the thicket of trees. Roosevelt made the final curve to the highway and smashed the pedal to the floor, jumping up to seventy miles per hour in seconds. Johnny watched the faint outline of some kind of monstrous creature as it faded back into the forest with one final heart pounding roar. Johnny and Roosevelt looked at one another with wild eyes and open mouths as they sped away from the massive creature.

“What the hell was that thing?” Roosevelt exclaimed, pushing the truck to its limit. Johnny shook his head.

“I have no clue, but it was huge and fast!” Johnny replied in a shaky voice. Roosevelt’s head snapped to the left directly at Johnny and with slight smirk on his face he said.

“Holy shit! I know what it was!” Johnny looked at him with a Yeah right look on his face as Roosevelt brought the truck down to a safer speed.

“How could you possibly know what that was? I’ve never seen anything move that fast for being so big.” Johnny replied.

“Think about it. Massive in size, fast as hell and extremely elusive! It was a freaking Bigfoot!” Roosevelt said, trying to hold back a laugh. Johnny’s eyebrows dipped,

“You’re and idiot! Bigfoot isn’t real!” Johnny exclaimed before bursting into laughter.

“That's the only explanation for it. Yep! That was Bigfoot alright.” Roosevelt chuckled.

“Shut up and drive. Johnny chuckled. Roosevelt shrugged.

“I can’t help that you don’t believe in such a majestic beast but that was Bigfoot.” Roosevelt said as he laughed a little harder at the absurd speculation. It was much easier to have a laugh about what they saw rather than try to explain what it really was. After the joke finally wore off Roosevelt continued to drive until it started to get dark.

“Let’s find a place to get some rest.” Johnny said as he smacked his cheeks a few times to wake up. Roosevelt nodded.

“Alright. I could use some sleep too.” Roosevelt replied. They drove for another ten minutes until they spotted a run-down roach motel and pulled in. The place was empty but most of the rooms were wide open as they drove through the parking lot. They spotted a room that had a cleaning cart parked outside of it and headed inside after parking the truck. When they reached the room, they noticed the covers were still messed up, so they opened the door and pulled two fresh covers and two fresh pillowcases off it. After replacing the dirty bed linen, they both crawled under the covers and closed their eyes. Within three minutes they were both falling into a deep dreamless sleep.



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Marz Book Three (Going on Pre-order soon!)

Marz Book Four (Coming soon!)

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