the top of a battered plastic bottle and held it to her mouth so she could take a drink, taking it away after a couple of mouthfuls.

“Careful, it’s all I have.”

Mahfuza sat up and adjusted her back against the wall. She laid Malak on her lap and tore off a small piece of bread.

“Malak, baby, wake up,” she whispered. Holding the bread near Malak’s lips, she repeated, “Wake up, my darling. We have some food. Wake up.”

There was no response. Mahfuza looked up at Naeem and shook her head.

“Let me try.” Naeem moved closer, took the bread from Mahfuza’s hands, and whispered to his daughter, “Malak, Daddy’s home. Wake up, my baby.” Again, the child didn’t stir. Naeem dropped the bread in Mahfuza’s lap and rubbed his face in frustration.

“Any news?” Mahfuza asked, a look of hope on her face.

Naeem shook his head. “Maybe tomorrow.” He placed his hand on Mahfuza’s leg. “Rest now, I’ll try again in the morning.”

He shifted sideways, unslung his weapon, and laid it on the floor beside him, then using his arm for a pillow, stretched out on the floor beside Mahfuza. Within seconds, he was fast asleep.


John and Adriana walked into the arrival hall of Dubai’s Terminal Three and immediately spotted Steve’s familiar figure in the crowd, his hand raised high in the air in greeting.

He wrapped his arms around Adriana in a bear hug, winking over her shoulder at John.

“Welcome to Dubai.”

“Hi, Steve, good to see you again,” Adriana gasped, struggling for air.

Steve released her and held her at arm’s length, “You’re looking as beautiful as ever.” He nodded toward John. “This guy looking after you properly?”

Adriana chuckled. “He is.”

“Good.” Steve let go of her and reached out for John’s hand. “Alright, mate?” He pulled John closer and turned the handshake into a hug, slapping John on his back with his free hand. “Thanks for coming.”

“It’s the least I could do, Steve. You are looking well.”

Steve smiled and ran his hand down over his stomach. “Lost some weight, too.”

“Yes, I was going to say. You are looking fitter and younger. Turned over a new leaf?”

“Ha, you’ll see.” Steve looked down at the two cabin bags they had brought with them. “This is it?”

“Yes, we travel light, and Adriana is only here for the weekend.”

“Oh.” Steve looked over at Adriana.

“Yes, Steve.” Adriana nodded. “I have to be back on Tuesday. I couldn’t get more time off.”

Steve reached for the handle of her cabin bag and pulled it toward him. “Well, there’s no time to waste then. Follow me.”

Steve led them out of the terminal, through the parking building, and stopped beside a sparkling white Mitsubishi Pajero. Stowing their bags in the back, they climbed in together, John in the front, Adriana behind.

“You’re staying with me. It’s about thirty minutes from here.”

“Are you sure it’s okay? We’re happy to stay in a hotel.”

Steve looked at Adriana in the rear-view mirror as he replied, “Nonsense, when you’re in Dubai, you stay with me.”

Adriana smiled and settled back into her seat as Steve pulled out of the parking building and joined the flow of traffic. He took the E311 and settled into a steady cruise in the middle lane, heading southeast across the city.

John gazed out the window at the skyscrapers and cranes filling the skyline.

“Every time I come here, there seem to be more buildings. Construction never seems to stop.”

“Yeah, mate, no shortage of money flowing into this place, not all of it clean. Every con-man, arms dealer, corrupt politician, dictator, and drug baron in the world has their money passing through this place.”

John gave a half-smile. “Plenty to keep you busy then.”

“For sure.”

John turned to face Steve. “So, tell me more about this girl? You’ve been pretty vague so far.”

Steve’s eyes flicked to the rear mirror.

“He’s told me, Steve,” Adriana spoke up.

“Okay.” Steve frowned, glanced in his side mirror, then indicated and moved into the next lane to avoid a slow-moving van.

“You said the girl is a relative? She’s in trouble?”

“My niece, yes.”


“My older brother’s daughter.” Steve sighed, “Let’s discuss it when we get home. It’s complicated.”

John nodded and turned his attention back to the passing landscape, a slight frown creasing his forehead. Steve wasn’t giving the whole story, which worried him a little, but he owed Steve. The man had saved his life, and John would do anything to repay the debt. If that meant helping him out with a niece in trouble, so be it. Besides, he needed something to do.


After twenty-five minutes, Steve took an exit ramp as it looped around on itself in a massive circular interchange and joined a smaller road crossing over the highway. Large patches of sand interspersed with Industrial buildings lined each side of the road, and the traffic had reduced significantly. They followed the road for another fourteen kilometers until the sand and industrial buildings gave way to houses and trees.

Steve slowed for a speed-bump before turning left into the entrance of a tree-filled residential area. He paused while they raised the barrier, flicked a lazy wave at the security guard, then drove in. He took a right and followed the road as it curved past rows of palatial villas and lanes with names like Hibiscus Way and Poppy Lane. Unlike the surrounding area, it was lush and green, the road lined with trees, and the gardens filled with flowering plants and foliage. A pair of bright green parrots flew across the road in front of them, and a ring-necked dove stared back at them from a well-manicured lawn.

“I didn’t expect to see this in the middle of the desert.”

“It’s cool, right? When they built this, there was nothing here. Every plant was brought in, and now it’s filled with birds and squirrels. Nature is incredible.”

“It is, despite our attempts to destroy it.”

Steve slowed and pulled into the drive of a large white villa. A blue Mercedes convertible was parked in front of the double garage door.

“Home sweet home,” he announced and

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