smiled as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Feel better, young lady?"

"I sure do. Thanks."

"Is the room all right?"

"Yes, I would like to have a small wash basin if I may?"

"Of course, I will get one for you. All right if I put it in your room? Or do you want to take it up yourself when you get back from supper?"

"I'll take it up myself when I get back, thank you."

I walked out to the boardwalk in front of the hotel. Already, the mid-day heat bore down on me. I pulled my hair up off my neck into a ponytail. As I got to my horse and wagon, a young boy hollered, "I can take your horse over to the stable for you, ma'am."

"That would be nice, young man." I reached into the pouch at my waist and pulled out two coins. "Here's a coin for you and the stable master, tell him I need my horse fed, watered and brushed out well. If he needs another coin when he finishes, tell him I will take care of it when I stop by to check on my horse tomorrow."

He caught both coins, one right after the other, and beamed at me. "Yes, ma'am!"

He quickly loosed the wagon from Chaser and led him by the reins toward the livery stable. He looked back at me with a smile.

I looked away from him and down the main street to see O'Boyle walking toward me.

"Right on time, I see."

"Yes, ma'am... Mildred… at your service." He tipped his hat and offered his arm to me as we crossed the dirt street to go over to the café.

Chapter 8

All eyes were on me as we walked into the small place that had a total of nine tables, three of them vacant.

"O'Boyle? What's your first name?"


"Usually a last name, interesting."

"No more interesting than a woman being called Jake, I don't imagine."

I chuckled, "S'pose you're right there." I looked at the chalkboard at the left of the door, "Hmmm, meatloaf or antelope steak. I believe I'll have the meatloaf, I cooked antelope for myself over a fire when I was on the way here."

"Yeah, antelope is plentiful around here," Jackson laughed and motioned for a young woman in an apron to come over to our table.

"We're gonna have two meatloaf dinners, mashed potatoes, green beans and iced tea, Katie." He gave me a look that asked for affirmation and I nodded.

"That's perfect. By the way, do you have any pie and coffee for desert?"

"Yes, little lady, we do, we got some peach pie tonight and we always got fresh coffee."

"Well, if you'd save me a piece of that pie, I'd be grateful." I spread my napkin on my lap and leaned back into the chair.

Chapter 9

Supper was served quickly. I knew that the meatloaf would be ready to plate up, as opposed to the steak which would require cooking up to my liking. Everything was tasty. Of course, it could just be that I was really hungry! I looked around at the dozen or so other folks in the café. They were all stealing looks at me when they thought I wouldn't notice. But I noticed. Being a stranger in a little town always made you kinda obvious. The locals didn't look like a welcoming bunch. But then again, I wasn't here to make them like me at all.

I'm sure the jeans and gun belt with my six-gun was playing a part in what made them all give me the once over, once or twice.

Just wait till they see me with a badge.

An older gentleman with a dirty black hat entered the café and looked around the room. "I was lookin' for a fella named 'Jake.' I see he's not here."

"Evenin' Judge, yeah, we ain't go no strangers in here fittin' that description," the girl called Katie replied. The Judge nodded and turned to leave.

I stood up. "Judge Adams?"

He looked over his shoulder, "Yes?"

"Judge Adams, I'm Jake."

"Little lady, you ain't no Jake."

"I am, Judge. I got your letter right here." I pulled the contract from my back pocket and held it out to him as he walked over.

He took the paper from me, looked it over. "Hmm, I never knew you was a gal. And a little, bitty gal at that."

"Maybe so, Judge. But we got a deal and I just rode over from Cheyenne. We can discuss the details after I finish my supper here with Jackson."

"Well, there ain't nothin' to discuss here. No filly is gonna take the job. And that's final."

"Oh, I'm takin' the job. And once I finish supper we can go outside and I will prove to you that I got what it takes."

Judge Adams spun around and stormed out of the café muttering under his breath.

"What was that all about, Mildred?"

"Well, ya see, Jackson. I'm your new Sheriff."

"What? You ain't."

"I am. When we're done eatin' I'll show you what I can do with this six-gun, my horse and my rifle. You can bet your hat, I am your new Sheriff!"

Chapter 10

I finished my meatloaf. Katie came over to the table with my pie and coffee. "Could you hold that for me for a few minutes, Katie? I'll be back after I chat with the Judge." I stood up and reached into my pouch for money to pay her.

"Oh, no, supper's on me. It's worth it to see you put Old Judge Adams in his place," Jackson laughed as he pulled the money from his pocket.

We stepped outside of the café and saw that a crowd had gathered.

Judge Adams stood at the far end of the boardwalk. "Hey there, Jake, or whatever your name is… Here, I've set up a set of five bottles for you to prove how well you can shoot. You gotta break all of them with that six gun on your hip."

I saw the bottles on the rail and smiled to myself.

I was poppin' off bottles at eight years old.

"All right, Judge. Where

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