Landon, but I had not believed it!”

Lady Hayward smiled and introduced Selina, who quickly curtsied and kept her eyes low to the floor, finding herself a little embarrassed. Yes, it was true that Lady Hayward had made an arrangement with her father but for it to be spoken of so boldly and without any hesitation brought a touch of color to Selina’s cheeks.

“The Duke of Landon has been very generous towards my son,” Lady Hayward answered, quietly. “In addition, he has promised other benefits to the rest of my children, when the time comes, or when they are of age. In return, I am to bring his wonderful daughters into society, and do my utmost to guide them towards a suitable match.” She twinkled up at Selina. “And thus far, I have not found my task to be an arduous one!”

This made Selina smile as Lady Thurleigh passed an assessing glance over her, as though deciding whether or not Lady Hayward would find it very difficult indeed to do the same for Selina.

“I see,” she said, without malice or judgement in her voice but rather only interest. “Then I must wish you every success, Lady Selina – although my daughter must have her success too!” She laughed and Lady Hayward smiled back at Selina encouragingly. “I should introduce you to my daughter, in fact,” Lady Thurleigh continued, as Selina remained standing quietly, finding very little to say. “I am sure she could do with another acquaintance and, given that the ton can be filled with insincere young ladies and the like, it can often be difficult to find a suitable friendship.” Another assessing glance swept over Selina, leaving her feeling quite vulnerable. “I am sure that you are not insincere, however, given that Lady Hayward is your chaperone and guide, Lady Selina. Might you wish to meet Lady Prudence? Ah, look! She is coming now.”

Selina, who had opened her mouth to answer and then closed it again given that Lady Thurleigh was about to introduce her daughter regardless of what Selina said, turned quickly so that she might greet the lady warmly, only to see a gentleman approaching them, a young lady on his arm. Her eyes lifted to the gentleman’s face, finding his piercing blue eyes suddenly resting upon her also. Blushing furiously, she looked away at once, realizing just how handsome the gentleman was and cursing her own foolishness.

“We are returned, Lady Thurleigh!” the gentleman exclaimed, as though Lady Thurleigh had expected otherwise. “I do hope you saw the dance. It was an excellent quadrille, I must say.”

As Selina allowed herself another glance, she saw the gentleman bow over Lady Prudence’s hand, before finally releasing her. A streak of heat ran down her spine as he looked towards her again, but this time, she forced herself not to look away.

“I did not observe you for a great length of time, I am afraid,” Lady Thurleigh replied, with a chuckle. “I saw an old acquaintance of mine and had to come and speak to her almost at once!” Turning to Lady Hayward, she quickly introduced her. “And this is her charge, Lady Selina, daughter to the Duke of Landon.” With a warm smile on her face, Lady Thurleigh gestured to the gentleman. “Lady Selina, this is the Earl of Barrington and, alongside him, my daughter, Lady Prudence.”

Gathering herself, and pulling her gaze away from the gentleman, Selina curtsied quickly.

“Good evening to you both,” she answered, hating that her voice was so very quiet indeed. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance.”

She did not look back at Lord Barrington, quite certain that, should she do so, her face would flush terribly and he would know just how handsome she thought him. Instead, she looked towards Lady Prudence as she rose, smiling at her briefly before placing her hands together in front of her and glancing towards Lady Hayward, who was smiling serenely.

“Lady Selina, I am very glad to have met you,” Lady Prudence said hastily, taking a few steps closer to Selina as though she was truly delighted to have been introduced. “To be truthful, I am the very last daughter of my family to have a Season and, as such, have no family present with me, save for my mother! All my other sisters came with each other, whilst I was left waiting!”

“Is that what you call gratitude?” Lady Thurleigh interrupted, her voice high pitched as she glared at her daughter. “There is nothing but complaint with you!”

“No, mama,” Lady Prudence answered, quickly. “What I really meant to express was…”

Selina did not listen to the girl’s explanation. Instead, she looked once more to Lord Barrington, taking in the way his eyes danced with both good humor and interest as he observed mother and daughter. He had broad shoulders and stood tall and strong, with startling blue eyes and light brown hair which was swept neatly to one side of his forehead. When he smiled at something Lady Prudence said, something curled in Selina’s stomach – and she once more found a flush coming to her cheeks and berated herself silently for it. The ton was filled with handsome gentlemen, and she was expected not only to be introduced to them, but also to converse, dance and entertain them, upon occasion. She could not permit herself to have such a reaction as this simply because a handsome gentleman came into her view!

I have not behaved this way before.

Frowning, Selina recalled how, last Season, she had been able to talk and dance with any gentleman who asked her, without any real difficulty whatsoever. Again, it might well have been because her sister had been present with her and had, therefore, managed most of the conversation and the like. Now, standing here without anyone by her side, without her sister and her overflowing confidence, Selina realized just how weak she truly was.

“Might you care for a dance, Lady Selina?”

It took Selina a moment or two to realize that the conversation between Lady

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