me. For a brief second, he looked tired, and then he faded away.

After sleeping on it, I decided to go over to my mom’s house to have dinner and see if we could figure out what he could have wanted. I had awoken that morning feeling strange and had dreamed of a hunting knife—nothing else, just the knife. Didn’t make much sense, but it was a knife that had been my uncle’s. But what the hell was so important about a knife? I remembered it well, but it didn’t mean anything special that I knew of.

I went in to my mom’s, said hello, and went into her den where we’d put all of his sporting stuff to see if I could feel anything, or find some clue. I felt nothing. As I wondered what in the world he wanted, he appeared again. My mom had just walked in to tell me dinner was ready and I took a quick peek at her.

“Mom. Do you see?”

In a whisper, she answered, “I do.”

Before I could say more, he shook his head sadly and faded out. That’s the last time I ever saw him, except in my dreams. I never could figure out what he wanted, but I feel like there’s a hole in my life because I’ll never know. If there’s truth to spirits being unhappy, or wandering around in purgatory because something was left undone, it could be happening to him. I never stopped trying to figure it out and someday I hope I get another chance. Maybe it will come to me in my dreams, because living like this hurts. I dream a lot about that knife, but I’ve never been able to find it; I don’t even know for sure if that’s what he wanted me to have. I think of him every day of my life.

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Additional books of interest from Paranormal Publishing available on Amazon and at

Volumes I and III: True Ghost Stories and Hauntings

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Boxed set of Volumes I, II, and III (Kindle)

For kids: Ghost Coloring Book

Kids love coloring these ghosts as they bring them to life. Let your imagination fly and have lots of fun with this spooky activity book!

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