will take Caymn as well. If there is trouble in the Demon Realm, you’ll need all the help you can get.”

Before I can object, he holds up his hand. “Torque is not the most loved, and I need to ensure he’s okay. The club and this damn realm can burn for all I care. My king comes first.”

Nox nods, and the bubble pops. We follow Mammon into the office. Everything is the same since the last time I was here. A wooden desk against one wall and a comfy couch on the opposite wall. It serves a purpose, nothing more. There is nothing here to make it homey. I’m not reminded of Torque in any of it.

Crouching behind the desk, Mammon uses his magic to access the safe. A faint glow comes from his palm, and the door swings open. The magic hits the air, and I inhale deeply. It’s intoxicating.

Mammon places the orb in a satchel hanging from the wall, then throws it over his shoulder. I didn’t notice my arms are outstretched until he bumps into them on the way to the door.

“You must control the power within you. It will ruin you,” Nox whispers in my ear. His hands brace my upper arms, shaking me to gather my attention.

I could fall so easily into that power. My eyes glow silver, and the want makes my mouth salivate. To change worlds. Live free from those who once oppressed me. To control.

“Anima. Stop it. It will not end well. I don’t want to knock you out.”

A growl ripples through me as I rush the door. My smoke slides out, ready to steal, take over.

A sigh comes from behind me. Just before I reach the door, a force hits me so hard it knocks me to my knees. I swing my gaze toward Nox.

The last thing I see is his eyes glowing with the same silver.



A pounding headache wakes me from a dreamless sleep. I’m confused for a moment before I remember what happened. Nox knocked me out.

The need to own the orb has left me, but the feeling didn’t. The power I could possess. The very thought of it coursing through me sends a shiver down my spine.

“How do you feel?” Uriel asks from the doorway.

I throw the blankets off my legs, then land my feet on the cold stone floor. Not a good idea. A thousand hammers try to break out of my skull.

“I’m assuming the headache is because of daddy dearest?” I grumble, trying to stand. Again, not the best idea.

Uriel catches me before I faceplant onto the ground. He helps me get back into the bed, pulling the blankets up to my neck.

“You’re going to have the headache for at least another couple of hours. He used a lot of magic to get you to stay sedated. You’re one tough woman.”

I smile at the compliment. I’ve never been easy to control. It has frustrated a lot of my tutors and trainers.

“Drink this. It will help the pounding.” Nox appears and holds out a steaming mug of something that smells delicious. Honey and apples.

“You’re a dick. I would have snapped out of it. I’m able to take care of myself.”

Uriel laughs and pats my leg. “I’ll leave you two to argue. I don’t want to be in the middle of this.” He kisses Nox on the cheek before exiting. I guess they’ve made up.

“You were on the edge of losing control. The only way to stop the power lust was to knock you out. I’ve seen it before. Demons consumed by holy magic. It doesn’t end well.”

“I’m not just a demon, or have you forgotten?”

I’m being petty, but I don’t want anyone taking liberties with my powers. For this to work, we need to build trust. So far, he’s shown none of that.

“Anima. Believe that I know what’s best for now.”

“It’s too late for parental rules. I’m a big girl. Or have you forgotten I kill demons for a living?”

He grumbles and turns to leave. I think I hear him say stubborn, but I can’t be sure. I swallow down the rest of the tea and lay back in bed. Might as well sleep while I can. I don’t foresee too much rest in my future.

I wake up a few hours later with a clear head. I hear arguing in the kitchen. Grabbing a robe off the bed, I make my way inside to investigate what the fuss is about.

“It’s not working,” Mammon screams. “This is all your fault.”

He points to Nox as if he’s the one who stabbed Torque with the poison knife. They divide the room, Nox and Uriel on one side and Mammon and Caymn on the other.

“Boys, let’s calm down. There’s no reason to fight. Scur is the one to blame. He stabbed him.”

They turn to me, all anger now directed in my direction. Tough room.

“If he doesn’t live, I’m blaming you.” Mammon points his finger in my direction.

I brush it off with a smirk as I make my way to the coffee I smell brewing. I don’t know how long I’ve been out, but I’m starving and in need of some magic brew.

“Your threats are pointless. You’re in the Darklands, and you have no power here. If you’d like me to remind you, keep acting like a petulant child. I want to test out some of these powers. Or I can just give you to Namir to play with.”

At the mention of my familiar, Namir walks through the back door and sits at my feet. His gigantic size takes up most of the kitchen. He bumps his head on my shoulder, causing me to spill most of the coffee on the floor.

“I was drinking that.” I scowl at him, but I can’t hold it for long. He purrs, and the vibrations calm me down instantly.

“The white tyger,” Camyn whispers, backing up with wide eyes.

At the mention of his name, Namir shows a bit of fang.

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