
Not with his name. Not with his face. He can’t do that. It would be too dangerous.

Then he could never have her.

Emma is his only focus, the only thing beyond his reach, the only thing he cannot buy.

Others would stand in his place and offer themselves up for scrutiny. They would claim the island, the resort, the darkness now hanging over it. And with his guidance, they would slide out of that darkness just the way he would have. Catherine, Constance, and Frederick took advantage of what he created. They were greedy and selfish and did something he could never forgive.

But not Alonso. Alonso could still be trusted.

And one day, Emma would be his. Her betrayal would be soothed. All the pain she created atoned for. It wasn’t her fault. He knows that. She still wants him. She always has.

This should have worked. She shouldn’t be leaving in the back of that car with the sheriff comforting her. But he can be patient.

He has been for this long.


To my amazing readers,

I first just want to say THANK YOU!

I am able to keep writing these novels, because of you!

Writing this novel and the past Emma Griffin series brought me a ton of joy.

I truly hope that I have brought you the same amount of thrill and joy into your life while reading my novels.

I know the world is a bit mad at this moment. I hope that I was also able to take your mind out of the chaos and give you a moment of peace.

There is something that I would greatly appreciate from you at this moment.

I would massively appreciate if you could take a moment of your day to write a review for this novel.

Your reviews give me the motivation to keep this series going, and it helps me massively as an indie author.

Your reviews alone have helped me tremendously when I was first starting out.

The review doesn’t have to be long, but however short or long you want.

Just a few seconds of your time is all that is needed.

When you leave me a review, know that I am eternally grateful to YOU.

Thank you for taking the time to read my novel!

My promise to you has always been to do my best to bring you thrilling adventures.

I hope I have fulfilled that. I look forward to you reading my next novel!


A.J. Rivers

P.S. If, for some reason, you didn’t like this book or found typos or other errors, please let me know personally. I do my best to read and respond to every email at

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Also by A.J. Rivers

Emma Griffin FBI Mysteries

Season One

Book One - The Girl in Cabin 13*

Book Two - The Girl Who Vanished

Book Three - The Girl in the Manor

Book Four - The Girl Next Door

Book Five - The Girl and the Deadly Express

Book Six - The Girl and the Hunt

Book Seven - The Girl and the Deadly End

Season Two

Book Eight - Dangerous Waters

Other Standalone Novels

Gone Woman

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