roam around the space. There are cabinets filled with old jewellery and other bits of crap. Shit fills every inch of available space, tech in one corner of the room, a stack of expensive looking handbags in another.

Sin pulls off his sunglasses as a weaselly looking man with a small nose and sunken eyes that tell me he’s probably used some of the product he stole from us steps in from the back. It’s the man who Roger told us about—Max Taylor. He takes one look at us, his eyes going to our kuttes and he darts in the direction he came from. Sin’s faster. He leaps over the top of the counter, scattering the stock everywhere, and snags that fucker by the back of his shirt.

I watch, my eyes narrowed as he slams the man’s head against the counter, blood spraying into the air and dripping down the glass like crimson tears. Fucking beautiful.

“Now, now, Maxy. Where you running to?” Sin demands.

I hate all the small talk. It’s so unnecessary. We know he did it. Just bleed the man.

“I didn’t do shit,” Max laments, his voice pitched unusually high.

“No? Then why the fuck are you running?”

“Have you looked at you two? You’d run too if you were me.”

It’s bullshit, and Sin sees right through it.

“I think you ran because you and Roger stole the coke you were supposed to sell and pocketed the money that should have been ours. That sound about right?” His hand holds the back of Max’s neck, ready to slam him again.

I watch the blood streaming from his nose, the scent of it in the air making my demons sit up and take notice. They want to come out to play, but I push them back down. There will be time for that later.

Sin slams his head again and more blood spurts from his face.

“I didn’t steal from you!” he wails.

“Where’s the product?”

The man swallows hard and glances between us. I can see the cogs turning in his head, trying to work out the best way to walk out of this in one piece. He goes for what he sees as the path of least resistance. He’s wrong.

“I’ll give it back. Just don’t hurt me.”

That’s no longer a choice. He stole from the Untamed Sons, something that can’t be undone. We can no longer trust him and that makes the fucker a liability. If he thinks he can walk out of this, he’s deluded. He signed his own death the moment he took something from us.

Sin grabs him by the back of the shirt.

“Where’s the coke?”

“In the safe at the back.”

Giving him a shove in that direction, Sin pushes him into the back room. I follow, my head starting to pound. This is going to be over fast. Too fast. I need more blood, more chaos to sate that bloodlust I can’t control.

I watch as Max kneels down and with shaky hands opens the safe. I pull my gun from my holster. I have no idea if the fucker has a gun in there, but I’m not letting my VP get his head blown off—even if I’d gladly do it myself. There’s no love lost between me and Sin.

I aim at the back of Max’s head, my eyes watching carefully as he pulls the door open. He reaches inside and I steel myself, but he just pulls out a brick of white powder. The coke.

Sin takes it from him, and then his eyes go to Max.

“You fucking sampled it?”

Max moves fast. I see the glint of metal heading straight for Sin’s gut, and I pull the trigger on my gun without hesitation. I’m not a fan of guns, but there is a certain satisfaction to seeing his brains splatter up the wall behind him. Max slides to his knees and goes down heavy.

There’s silence for a beat. Then someone screams behind me.

I twist on my heels and I’m greeted by the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. She has dark hair that falls down her back in loose waves. She’s delicate, small, perfect—everything I’m not. Her tanned skin is offset by the white summer dress she’s wearing. She looks like a fucking angel, and I imagine I look like a devil, standing here, gun raised, blood up the walls behind me.

She’s clutching a handbag in her hands and she holds it between us like a barrier, as if it can protect her from the hell she’s witnessing. It can’t.

Her wide eyes come to me before she darts back through the door into the main store.

Sin is the first to react. He rushes after her, and my heart starts to pound. Not from fear that she saw me, but from fear of what he’ll do to her.

It consumes me like flames as my legs remember how to work and I take off after them both.

When I rush back into the main room, Sin has the woman pinned against the wall, her face turned to the side, her arm pulled so high up her back, I don’t know how he hasn’t pulled her shoulder out of its socket. The fucker is licking her face as she struggles against him and his grin tells me Sin is enjoying it more than he should.

Rage flares through me and I shove him off her.

“The fuck, dickhead?” Sin complains.

“We don’t hurt women,” I growl.

It’s true, we don’t, but we’d never had a situation where a woman saw us committing a murder before. I don’t know how this plays out.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand of the angel. Her eyes flick to mine, widening as she takes me in.

She should be sobbing, but she seems to be in shock. She hasn’t made a sound outside the initial scream.

“Answer him, bitch,” Sin steps towards her.

“Max owed me.” Her voice is shaky as she speaks, threads of fear running through it.

“Owed you what?” Sin demands.

“I uh… I pawned some jewellery a few months back. I paid the ticket, but he sold

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