“Isn’t that perfect?” Jake slid a hand around her waist, dropping a kiss on her hair.

“Yeah, yeah it is.”

“You did good, Ryder. Hardly anyone will hold what’s happened against Amy after this.”

A vision in bright flowing flouro colours headed their way. “Ryder, I think its about time you introduced me to your new beau, don’t you?” Her mother battered her eyelashes as Jake and stood in front of them.

“New beau eh? You didn’t tell me you’d discussed this with anyone. Thought we were still a secret.” Jake reached over and kissed her mother on the cheek. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs…”

“Wendy. Don’t you go calling me Mrs anything young man. I’m please to meet you, Jake. Heard all about you from my granddaughter. Thinks the sun shines out of you she does, and I can see why.” She grinned as Ryder blushed. “Oh gosh honey, don’t be shy. Haven’t seen you this happy for a long time. Worth the trip to see you all.”

“Mum, I love you, you know that right? Just don’t go broadcasting it to all and sundry. Don’t mind if the locals find out in good time we’re together.”

“In good time? Too late for that, honey. Anyone can see you two have eyes for each other. Your grandfather was just telling me what a fine young man Jake was and how glad he is to have you back home.” She sniffed. “I might have to spend more time down here if you’re not going to be moving back to the States anytime soon.”

“You know you’re always welcome.”

“That’s what your grandfather said too. We’ve got a lot of time to catch up on, Ryder. I want to get to know him and the rest of the family too. I missed out on so much when we left.” She winked at Jake. “Who knows, if things go well, I could make this a regular trip.”

“You’d be welcome anytime, Wendy. Have you met my parents yet?” Jake took her arm and walked her over to where his father was holding court, a set of barbeque tongs in his hand. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Ryder.

This was home, where she belonged. Shame it had taken so much to get her back here, but such was the scheme of things. Life was what it was—flexible and fluid. Full of twists and turns. If she’d moved back here at any other time, perhaps none of this would have happened or maybe her and Jake wouldn’t have hit it off like they did. She watched him introduce her mother and ease himself away from the guests, making his way back to her.

“Looks like despite our best intentions, everyone knows about us. Go figure.” Jake took her in his arms.

“My mother is a sensationalist. Nobody knows. They might be guessing, but I bet that’s it.” She gazed into his eyes, loving the depth of joy she saw there.

“I’m ready to show everyone. How about you?” Jake dipped his head and Ryder lifted her lips to meet his. She’d found her home, her new life, and the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Why not let the world see?

Her lips opened and she sighed into the kiss. The chatter at the barbeque stilled for a moment and then clapping began. Shouts that included ribald statements washed over them and Ryder could feel the heat in her cheeks.

“Guess there’s no denying anything now.” Jake laughed and cupped her face for another quick kiss. “We are officially an item, Officer Quinn. I love you, just so you know.” He stroked her on the cheek and turned when his name was called.

Ryder watched him saunter over to his father who was deep in discussion with another local farmer. He grabbed Jake’s arm and dragged him in, gesturing with his other hand.

This is home, where I belong. Ryder walked over to her mother who was deep in discussion with her father-in-law. They smiled when they saw her coming. Contentment settled in her chest and she let go of any fragment of doubt she might have had about today. It had worked perfectly. More perfect than she could have imagined.

The End

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